
Nail on head

It is quite stunning the alternate universe these people live in

If you can stomach it, this Politico piece on how Trump’s base in PA feels about him now is worth reading just to illustrate how disconnected from reality these people are. It’s worse than even the caricatures of them suggest. There are plenty of jaw-dropping passages, but this one jumped out at me.


Chris Christie will be replaced by a Democrat.

Maybe he decided he didn’t want to be with her. It was the ultimate ghosting.

1) Not “these days.”

So this clown is treating sexual assault like a kid would treat breaking something in their house and not telling their parents. WTF is wrong with people these days? We just keep hearing more and more stories like this and yet people don’t seem to learn anything.

I read this headline as EXPLICIT rather than illicit and was like...

I have an asshole neighbor who lives three houses down from me who does this shit on the regular in a residential neighborhood on a street where several young kids play. He’s never even been warned, let alone be arrested. Cops only care if the person behind the handlebars is not white.

No, absolutely not. It does not matter how much they are paid or how much they are in the public eye. Having naked images of you stolen and then being blackmailed to prevent their release is 100% NOT part of their job.

What the fuck, are there Jalopnik people streaming in here on the most tenuous cross-platform posting ever? Fact check comments somewhere else, car-nerd.

There’s lots of things a Dodge Avenger is... “sports car” isn’t one of them.

Maybe he was depressed about the terrible depreciation that occurs with cruddy Dodge sports cars and decided to kill two stupid birds with one idiot stone.

Just like when white people use drugs there’s an “opioid epidemic”

“The judge on Monday said that even if the charges in both cases had been dropped, just being arrested was a violation of Meek’s probation.”

And then we brushed the shit off and chalked it up to him just being a dirty old man.”

Wow... Just wow.

Donald is holding Melania’s hand, whether she wants it held or not. Her hand makes almost a fist (and would be a full fist if she weren’t borrowing black panther’s claws for the Pearl Harbor visit). You can’t clasp hands with someone’s fist, so Donald has to make due with the ball of fingers.

Oh hey look everyone. This guy’s here.