
God I am so stoked for Cassian/K2 show. Can’t wait to see what shenanigans those two get up to.

2) Is that the best this guy has for a question - “who to you talk to your dog about for VP?”

Listening to this episode first thing in the morning while I got ready for work was quite a way to start the day...

Reminds me of watching this before school growing up when the channel only had the license for the seasons up to the beginning of Goku and Frieza’s battle so I never knew what happened after that until decades later.

Regarding From May To December, I disagree with Dr Nerdlove’s read on the situation. I’m not saying FMTD definitely should stay in this relationship, but it doesn’t seem that much like he has changed as a person and has outgrown the relationship. If anything, maybe he hasn’t grown at all since they got together in his

I can smell the cigarette smoke from here.

Is this even still going on? I thought that the clip of Clinton came out, everyone got mad at her about it not helping and she walked it back. Then Tlaib made her boo comment and a lot of people got mad at her about that not helping and she walked it back.

Yeah, watching this teaser made me realize that I had no idea what this show was going to be but that I can’t wait for it.

Now, what exactly was this hard work she did “for a fair, honest and transparent process”? It seems like she pretty much just went with whatever and pretended to be open to maybe do something in the future, but didn’t actually do shit.

I would love an Exegol map for Starfighter Assault or literally any new map. I loved that mode.

That’s what I’m assuming. I still haven’t read the 3rd Thrawn book so I’m not sure what that handles (I thought Thrawn didn’t get to the Star Wars galaxy until after ROTS but really not sure), but the first 2 books made references to something bad in the unknown regions of space and now I’m guessing Ezra and Thrawn

Definitely a lot of missteps. I’m mostly just glad it’s done and hope that whatever is next is better :-/

But the episodes that directly tie into or cross over with the films are the weakest ones and the show would have been better as its own space.

Oh Warhammer Underwolds Online is coming out? I enjoyed the physical game, but didn’t get any of my friends to get into it so I didn’t stick with it, but maybe I’ll check this out...

God I hope so. Really hoping (and, frankly, expecting) it follows the plot threads left open by Rebels and the Thrawn books.

I’d say it starts off worse and is more inconsistent than Rebels in that it has higher highs and lower lows. I watched the Clone Wars movie at some point and hated it so much that I never bothered to give the show a shot for a few years. I tried it eventually and really enjoyed it overall despite a bad first season or

Yeah. If you are at an impasse earlier on, there should be a reckoning before things get to real. There is no way to split the (in this case literal) baby. Either way, one partner will probably be unhappy/resentful for the rest of their life.

In his Yelp review, in which he refers to the Salt Bae as a “communist loving, piece of crap,”

Is a profit sharing settlement good or scummy here? I assume it make it more likely that customers will continue to support this restaurant instead of boycotting it . Customers (well some) probably won’t want to go to this piece of shit’s restaurant and support him, but if you do go there you are supporting these