
Man, I wish they added at least one more map to the Starfighter Assault mode as that was by far my favorite part of the game.

Imperial Assault for $40 is a good deal if you want to chuck some dice with your friends in the Star Wars universe! For the main game, 1 player has to control the Imperial forces but they have released some AI controlled campaigns that you can download on Steam or in an app (though I think there is just 1 campaign

Imperial Assault for $40 is a good deal if you want to chuck some dice with your friends in the Star Wars universe!

If you were to go to a deli right now and order a sentient mayo sandwich with an annoying dollop of horseradish

I have not seen a lot of the movies on this list, but I was surprised to see Ad Astra on here...

Maybe you can give people permission to fuck your corpse or if you consent to sexual contact that continues after you die? IDFK that jumped out at me too

Sleeping Dogs is the only GTA style open world game I actually stuck with through the end and enjoyed. I usually get bored/sidetracked with these types of games but Sleeping Dogs kept me engaged. I really wish they’d make an actual sequel.

I’m pretty sure they are using their product. I went to PAX Unplugged and saw a new board game based on these Choose Your Own Adventure books (same cover art style and everything) and there was an older one in the lending library. So either the company that made those games is going to get hit with a cease and desist

I kind of wonder if Disney will ever remake the prequel trilogy. It has some good bones, but could definitely be improved with better writing and better special effects (and I say this as someone who does not hate the prequel trilogy and rates ROTS around #3 or #4 in my series ranking). I know people have a hard time

I kind of want a special feature about how Jon Favreau got all of these celebs in his show. Did they just want to be in Star Wars, just like working with Jon Favreau, and/or were offered buckets of money from Disney? I want to hope it’s the first 2 but it is Disney...

I got excited that she was fired from the View and then got disappointed that this was not the cancellation being referenced. This is even though I LITERALLY just opened the DBW and DB cancellation article and then scrolled down to this one.

Everyone seems so pumped for Crisis. Maybe it’s time to catch up on the past several years of the CW Universe!... (though I probably won’t out of laziness)

I seem to recall Filoni firmly establishing in Rebels (To say nothing of EU content) that Mandalorians are notoriously skeptical of outsiders. Bluntly speaking he probably doesn’t see the New Republic as all that different than the Empire.

2) I hope Best does this in character as jar jar

Why did this just blow up? I’ve been seeing this commercial on hulu for a while now.

Slave Play explores the peculiar tale of three interracial couples who partake in an “Antebellum master-slave role-playing therapy workshop” in order to salvage their lackluster sex lives.

I mean... yes. That is literally the issue we are dealing with here. I fucking hate these “I’m rubber and you’re glue” mother fuckers.

For Arkham Horror The Card Game, “Standalone” is the term used for a mode where you just play the one mission (you can play any mission in Standalone Mode but there are a few adventure packs that were designed to be Standalone adventures/missions). That being said you can add them as side missions to regular campaigns

Yeah. I love the idea of getting a super long game for $60, but those games generally have a lot of padding and TBH I rarely ever get around to finishing long games like that (still working on Persona 5 :( ). A quality 20 hour (or hell, even 10) hour game can definitely be worth my money.

Oh wow. I completely forgot to watch this show. The premise seemed amusing and had a quality cast. Maybe I’ll check it out before season 2 comes out.

I’m sorry, but who is David Dolan? Did he email a statement from Charles Barkley or did he also threaten to punch her?