Yo...MTV Raps!

Sweet.  So basically almost as much as I paid for my entire 1998 M3.

It’s about $8,000 overpriced. Other companies sell LED headlight conversion kits with lenses (i.e. Holly retrobight) for around $400 a pair. Maybe be charitable and say the custom housings for the rear could fairly add $1,000. But LED-specific lenses aren’t really that necessary for tail lights. You could just as

$9K. For lights. 

I watched one Scotty Kilmer video.

Let's make it happen.

bUt TEslA iS a TecHnOlogy ComPAnY!

Supercars (and the people who find them fascinating) are dumb and boring. 

In any other major automobile manufacturer Elon would have been immediately fired for all the customer alienation stuff he’s pulled.

Ah the 5th Circuit.

1980 Triumph TR-7 convertible. Haven’t driven it currently cause it’s winter and...yeah. Also working from home means I don’t have to daily drive anything, as almost everything I need is within walking distance. But it is a fun car to run to the store or whatever.

Cringey clickbait titles and thumbnails are the worst all over, and I refuse to click on any of them on principle. That means my choice of videos is getting smaller by the day, but it’s better than feeding the stupid beast.

The Trump Nazis are itching to unleash violence on us. Don’t give them the excuse they need.

Take two Savagegeese and call me in the morning. 

was killed in a 2-1 decision at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Go fash, lose cash.

First Gear: Never forget that the asshole oligarchs can only exist because of the rest of us. We buy the shit they shovel, and there are plenty of other shit-purveyors to go around.

My Bentley was built in 1931. And, yes I went to the shops in it today.

52-year-old VW 181 “Thing” - occassional driver only, due to insurance restrictions, but still a “driver.” Doing some minor “wrenching” on it now to get it back on the road.  It probably has over 300K miles and has gone thru three engines and one transmission rebuild since it became part of the family, 11/13/73.

Coming soon into a Cars and Coffee Crowd near you

“cringey douchebag” describes Dat Dude accurately, too.