Yo...MTV Raps!

This ^^

Yes, but I’d wager a great deal that the vast majority of these borrowers don’t fall into the category of “could pay it off (or at least cover the negative equity) if I need to.”

Not to mention that kind of incredible debut is incredibly hard to replicate with the sophomore effort (this is even more true of bands).  With them it’s Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller’s Crossing and Barton Fink.  Wow.

Gotta show up the neighbors!! 

5.8%.... the fuck? As it is im hoping to pay mine off sometime next year at best. (its a 2018 i got at the end of feb so it just turned two years old).  Im only at 2.44% interest as well (<3 navy federal). 

Would REALLY like to see an article like this with the most influential non-American Indie films. What a treat. Nearly every entry I thought “Oh yeah, so much like X (made in France) at the same time!” But then that would turn into a thesis, not a list, lol.

Surprised to see Napoleon Dynamite missing from this list

Valid but stigma.

I keep seeing ads on TV from automakers offering up their condolences for the crisis and to let you know they are there for you, and will now graciously offer you up to 80 months financing on that new car with either 90-120 grace period before you make your first payment.

I test drove a car about six weeks ago. I went home to mull it over. One day I get a call from a different sales guy than the one I was working with. He tells me he is taking over my sale and starts applying significant pressure. I fucking hate sales pressure...Who in the hell falls for this? Does this actually work?

Notably that 3 million figure is:

I don’t wish bad things for a single worker or anyone dependent on them, but it’s hard to watch all these companies that work only for the next quarter’s profit, and don’t care one whit for the long term impacts of their behavior, panic at not making money for 2 weeks, and to not experience a little bit of

Lot of people are pretty religious about not letting cars idle since you’re just building up moisture without actually getting fluids moving and up to temperature in the engine. There’s a pretty convincing school of thought that you’re better off leaving a car for two months than starting it to idle after one,

I have been disconnecting the battery for a while now when I don’t use my car for long periods (negative terminal given it’s easiest). Certainly it’s the most effective way and most healthy for the battery.

I think the real argument against such unruly behavior is the risk of an accident. Both selfishly, in that you absolutely do not want to be in the hospital right now, and unselfishly, in that both first responders and hospital personnel have more important things to be doing.

What I’m curious about, from an epidemiological point-of-view, is that if by indulging in a top-down solo cruise in my car after sundown, I’ve been in any way endangering myself or others. It seems to me that unless I’m driving slowly through narrow streets thronging with coughing Evangelicals on their way out of the

Good thing I own a Model T and don’t have to worry about any of this newfangled “battery” nonsense. As long as my crankin’ arm is still in good shape, she’ll start right up, no matter how long she sits.

Confession: I haven’t watch “the other show” in about 10 years.

Too much overbearing music.

From watching this the difference is they got a shit ton of money to make it. Also Naomi Campbell is amazing because she's unfiltered and kinda terrifying.