Indeed. My dad had a series 2 XJ6 just like that. Probably the best ride / handling balance of any sedan I’ve ever driven. People would get in and after dispatching a few bumps on Denver streets would go, “Oh, wow.... This thing is amazing.”
Indeed. My dad had a series 2 XJ6 just like that. Probably the best ride / handling balance of any sedan I’ve ever driven. People would get in and after dispatching a few bumps on Denver streets would go, “Oh, wow.... This thing is amazing.”
I have the unfortunate current circumstances of living in a huge military town (Colorado Springs), and it is no exaggeration to say that every week I either see a little ‘d’ muscle car / pickup truck do something with complete contempt for humanity or read about the aftereffects of something similar in the newspaper.
I’ve only seen one Fast and the Furious movie...
Indeed. It’s a whole new way to f-up a website and show your readers how little they matter.
One of my big automotive disappointments was finding out just how poorly I fit in a current-gen Miata. I’m 6'4" and I thought - ugh. There’s no way I can justify this, which is extra bad because I LOVE small cars.
Capt. Sonic - The audience you are looking for is probably on Facebook, still posting about Obama’s birth certificate.
The man who literally stated he wants to be ‘dictator for one day’ gets treated EXACTLY like a dictator, and now we have to act like this event isn’t exactly how dictators get treated and deposed.
I can report some good news, here from Colorado: Boebert bumperstickers are essentially nonexistent.
Thanks for posting this. I’ve read a bunch of reviews of the third season (only having seen the first) and kept reading about ‘frustrations’ with the story, etc,, not really understanding what the issues were. This helps a ton.
Is that kid still alive?
Great point!
Just watched the original: Some of the worst shooting in movie history belongs to the 1980's cocaine-henchmen.
“I’m the author of two franchises.”
I tried to watch this reboot... was so put off by all of the desperation for attention - everyone had to be a ‘character’ and take center stage - it was exhausting.
If you ever wondered what Red Bull, roofies, and a trust fund looks like in automotive form...
Good question. I remember one of my professors bought a 3000GT VR4 new and sold it the next year because of how poorly it was holding up. Particularly funny be because he taught a ‘total quality management’ class in business school.
I can only assume he’s running for TX congressional district #7 and leading in the polls.