
How do teen night clubs make you feel? Do you find it strange that there is a business that only caters to a certain age range? Or how do feel when you get turned down at the door at Chuck E. Cheese if you don't have a child? Or how many women do you think are allowed to join in the variety of men's clubs across the

Stunt cock was my nickname in high school. It was an ironic nickname. :(

And you know what else burns me? Those red hat society broads! How am I going to participate in craft fairs and eat at local diners on Wednesday afternoons? The Elks?! No way, brother.

Yeah, wouldn't the men who actually want to celebrate women's empowerment be perfectly OK with women doing something without them invited?

Hocus Pocus! By Focus! The live video of them playing this is one of my favorite vids on the 'net.

Don't tell me how to live!

All nuggets are free if you know which trash cans to visit.

Lady In Blue

Question: have you ever seen Bill and James in the same room together?

The sawdust they used to preserve him won't fall apart for at least 50 more years!

Never trust someone who won't let you celebrate your birthday.

Still classier than Scott Baio's public reaction to Erin Moran's death.

Are you sure this isn't just a Futurama joke that has gained sentience?

Coincidentally, "The Festering Four Years" is the official designation that future historians will give the current time period.

BREAKING: Canadian school makes "13 Reasons Why" look 100x cooler than it did a week ago.

Just like saving a marriage by having a baby. Always works.

Heck, I'll just BUY you a flask. You need a flask?

Now introducing: G2N, the only booze shooter you'll ever need.

Life (cockroaches) will find a way. Life (cockroaches) always finds a way.

All of the kids all over the world who would kill to meet Chewbacca and they instead invite two overrich, overpriviledged manchildren.