
I followed all of the rules and I'm STILL Grey. Not sure what to do except cry.

I followed all of the rules and I'm STILL Grey. Not sure what to do except cry.

I'm certain that it means what I think it means. It just never gets applied to stars who tend to play the same type of lead role over and over again. Bruce Willis plays essentially the same character every film, Arnold Schwarzenneger (who I love, by the way), Tom Cruise, Charles Bronson, Jean-Pierre Leaud, even late

*takes deep breath*

The people who complain about actors only having "one character" must not be too familiar with the concept of character actors. Chances are, some of your favorite actors do the exact same thing. It is actually the exception for an actor to have the capability to do more than play variations on their brand. In fact,

Please forgive us! WE CAN CHANGE

Why don't you love us anymore? Is it because of the noodle incident?

Sooner or later someone had to do it.

Yeah, there's a portrait of Kafka on Gordon Cole's office wall. What did people expect?

It fits that weird-to-the-point-of-unsettling, far-future, primarily visual, space opera hole in my heart most expertly. I didn't even know how badly I wanted something like that until I started reading it.

It's a hard life for horse-foot fetishists.

Saw Atomic Blonde: Fun!
Read "Prophet" (books 3&4): Cool!
Played "Sundered": Neat!
Did laundry: Boring!
Made Burritos: Yum!
Casted for my next film: Good!
Slowly but consistently slipped further into the void that is my mental disorders: Weird!

I have heard and understand the complaints about XII, but honestly what most see as detrimental to the game—I see as some of the best features. This is one of my favorite games of all time. Personally I have found the "tedium" of the game to be therapeutic. It is extremely helpful for my personal cocktail of anxiety

I laughed for a solid five minutes at "He's dead."

This movie was a real lifesaver for me as a kid. I lived in the rural midwest—homeschooled and in a evangelical family. I was never cut out for sports, not very masculine, and downright weird. When I first saw this movie, I immediately latched on to Bowie. It was like I finally realized that there was nothing wrong

Great! I'm glad to have your encouragement.

Oooh, Evanston, eh? Very nice. I see I was wrong about you! All of your hateful/misguided comments come from a place of tired superiority rather than uninformed idiocy. I'm excited to see what kind of wonderful things you planned to solve this crazy equality problem!

You might not let any Jews into the stall you're occupying at the Waffle House bathroom, but that doesn't make it a country club.

Are you ok, do you need to sit down? You're getting a little red in the face.

Oh my god