
HEY, that doesn't rhyme!

I always enjoy a good MST3K comment thread.

"It was a dark time in human history, but the chickens had nor ever will be funkier."- future historians

Let the polka revolution begin!

This is the same proto-masculine bullshit that got that woman killed while filming the Allman Brothers biopic. There's a reason that you get permits and follow rules. The more I hear Herzog speak, the less I like him. It's people like him that turn art into a Dick-measuring contest.

Don't call me brother, friend.

You can't Bazinga! Your way out of this one, internet!

Just picked up No Man's Sky. So far I'm really digging it.

Totally worth it just to make it do the "Ow!" from James Brown's I Feel Good

More motivated people just make actual crime scenes.

Well, at least Fox News is always looking for paid commentators.

"Finally," she says while drinking from a must-have $1,500 tea cup, "now I get the chance to judge the internet!"

"Did you know zat I don't even own a TV?" -Werner Herzog

Seacrest? That would be alright, I supposeā€¦

O Brother Where Art Thou? is a wonderful film! I was just commenting on how Burn After Reading made it into the list and A Serious Man somehow didn't. Burn After Reading is one of their lesser films in my opinion, while A Serious Man may be my favorite of their oeuvre.

Timmy is dead to me and he has another thing coming if he thinks he's going to fill up my TiVo with all of his racing shows. The deadbeat is out of here by November.

I would take A Serious Man over Burn After Reading any day. Fred Melamed's performance alone should have put it in the top twenty.

Not to mention the slight delay that happens when you plug an SD device into an HDMI television. My muscle memory can't handle it!

Thank you for reminding me that the Electric Six exist. I loved Danger, High Voltage! when it came out.

Nor do you see art and science funding taken away from schools in favor of keeping the local Star Wars fan club.