Lara T

They went over the timeline on an MSN show tonight and given how it looked like Clinton was going to win, if the Obama administration went ahead and made public the Russian hassles, it’d look like Obama’s gang was ganging up on Trump. If the Russian info was exposed and Trump lost, he’d immediately start screaming

*im drunk rn

Well comey can eat shit and die.

What up, ED sufferers/recoverers! Eat regular meals based on the plan set by your nutritionist/therapist/support team. Remember that is this is the internet, not your doctor’s office.

Every time someone examines something critically, they are smearing it and I’m gonna get real annoyed! I swear!

And renewable energy is a growing industry with actual jobs. But the goal is to keep these people out of work so that politicians can constantly dangle the empty promise of growing an obsolete industry.

Have we talked today about what a fucking piece of shit Trump is? I don’t feel like I’ve voiced my daily affirmations yet.

Exactly. Now, if we could just bring in factories producing solar panels or wind turbines and retrain the coal miners to work there for better conditions, safety, and future for their families . . . nah, that would make too much sense. And plus, the GOP would have to admit that climate change exists.

I’m not an expert, and not out to insult anyone, but isn’t coal mining a “bad” job in a lot of ways? Like the pay is bad, you can get black lung, it’s very unsafe other reasons that are escaping me now.

We have more than enough oil as is. The last thing we need to be doing is investing in new infrastructure to encourage the industry to continue expanding. And sure, most of us rely on using oil every day, but that’s only because we’ve collectively structured our economy and lifestyles around it to the point where it’s

Our (sadly, now decease) big orange lug of a cat had this incredible ability to know exactly when you were thinking of getting up and would take that as the moment to come over, curl up on your lap, and emit his wonderful, deep purr. I was trapped into watching many more hours of tv that way. His sister, who is still

My sister is at home a lot right now, and she’s confirmed that, yes, a few minutes before I usually get home from work, my cat climbs out of wherever he’s been napping and goes to wait by the door for me. It fills me with joy every day.

aw. my cats love me so much, it’s always so obvious. they always sit next to me (or on top of me), wherever i go in the house. they follow me everywhere too and wait for me outside the bathroom. i don’t know if they know when i’m coming home, but every day as i pull up to the house after work, they’re in the window


I’m disappointed, Jezebel community. You don’t need to be outraged, but can’t we see the vileness of taking aside 2 children wearing leggings and telling them to “cover up”? Wtf? Did United airport security have nothing better to do? They could have been eyeballing crowds for suspicious behavior, or at least made sure

A minor child is not a representative of the company and literally no passenger on any flight would expect them to be one, even if it was the pilot’s or the CEO’s kid.

Dad was allowed on with cargo shorts.

I do agree with the bringing water everywhere is a problem though, especially since it sounds business endorsed and not by doctors. Brawndo is what plants crave

To add to this: I cut sodium out of my diet (when advice was to do so), and heavily hydrated. Most of my meals were homemade (no salt and lots of water-containing fruits and vegetables) and I was taking potassium for another health issue. This perfect storm led to hyponatremia, and, when I suffered a brain injury in a

I saw this on People’s website (don’t judge me) and sure enough, after like the first 5 comments there was one lady saying “this is not a marriage, they can’t consummate it because marriage is between a man and a woman”.