Someone read that Christopher Pike book as a pre-tween and thought they’d try to recreate it on a movie set.
This is literally the plot to a horror novel.
Someone read that Christopher Pike book as a pre-tween and thought they’d try to recreate it on a movie set.
This is literally the plot to a horror novel.
Why the fuck would live ammo be anywhere near a film set using prop weapons
So in other words, checking for a sticker is pointless because the advice either way is to throw them out.
Nevertheless, she persisted...
No, she used to think 5'10" was too tall. I guess being a size six just emphasized how tall she is.
I know precisely the post you are referring to. I love browsing Imgur and I actually think it’s gotten a bit better but the anti-feminist circle jerk really detracts from the community. And I especially hate when women do this sort of “good girlism/not like other girls” thing and bask in the approval. I know it’s…
1. Police officers can turn them on and off which is pretty damn ridiculous considering no one with half a brain is going to film themselves committing a crime (Baltimore PD apparently doesn’t have half a brain)
The body cameras would work if the police were accountable to an outside agency with decision-making authority. As long as we allow them to police themselves nothing is going to change. The real problem is the blue wall. It needs to come down.
I think Bran always knew what Baelish was up to, but he had to let things run their course in due time.
They forgot. I know they said they would never forget, but here we are 16 years later.
As someone who was a classmate of Kushner’s from 5th-8th grade and who attended his bar mitzvah that had Lawrence Taylor and other Giants as hired guests, I can fully attest that I am celebrity name dropping.
Not smart enough to hide the fact that he used Russian active measures to hack social media and push fake news.
“I love Bernie, yes, I love Bernie.”
Yeah, brain cancer often makes people try to make everything about Hillary Clinton.
A book called Life-Sized, by Jennifer Shulte, does a good job at presenting the ongoing nature of EDs, with a lead character who is often sullen, paranoid, and raging. It’s told in first person and traces the disorder from her pubertal years on through graduate school, and while she yo-yos a lot (during college she…
I think many depictions of trauma and mental health issues are really more for people dealing with them secondhand than firsthand, and that’s okay.
I don’t remember it well, but I’m not sure Daisy in Girl, Interrupted had an eating disorder (or at least one that centered on being thin). I have anxiety issues around eating and swallowing that have nothing to do with thinness. I have a giant irrational fear of choking, just like some people have giant irrational…
Move it to “the moderate center” my arse. They’ve allowed people on air within the past year to talk about the need for Muslim internment camps, like that’s not a repugnant, horrifying idea. They’ve had people compare the LGBTQ community to NAMBLA and people who commit beastiality on air. Hell, Brian Kilmeade has,…
The difference between Trump and HRC supporters? HRC’s knew what they were getting.