Lara T

Going on SNL and saying that you’re gay isn’t leaving the question of whether or not you’re bi up for debate. It’s also not ‘being out, but only as “not straight.”’. Gay women exist and insisting that they might still be open to sex with men isn’t bi visibility, it’s just plain old homophobia.

Well since only 7% of Indian Americans voted for Trump, “these people” did not underestimate white xenophobia and ignorance.

This is no doubt true. It’s been a while since a democrat ran on a stated policy of racism though. No?

there is an expectancy to act like a minority from the more liberal side of the Democratic party.

Indians are counted among Asians, not other race. India is a rather large country in Asia. Maybe you should not post things without knowing what you are talking about.

You see this turban-wearin’ chap right here? That’s Sequoyah, the Cherokee silversmith who created the Cherokee written language. Cherokees would often wear turbans and robes. If he had a beard, many of the ignorant types wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between him and a Muslim.

This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. You actually think people HATE you for being “ambitious?” That’s just fucking not true. And, if you want to actually look at facts, not all Asians have escaped poverty. There is a significant portion of Asians who are not model minorities and who have, in fact,

I’m a black guy, I still remember vividly after that, shaking my head in sadness at the profiling. It was like “that’s what I go through”, and I’d NEVER want anyone to go what we go through...but the same way I get nervous in certain situations I shouldn’t be nervous in - I saw the same look of unfair fear.

That explains this guy and his friends, but Indian Americans - like every Asian American demographic cohort - don’t like Trump or the GOP, and it ain’t even close. 

And what do you base on your conjecture on? I am not saying individual Indian Americans might not be bigoted, but as a group Indian Americans (and Asian Americans in general) regardless of their economic status are a solid Democratic voter base. Almost 70-75% of Indian Americans voted for Hillary.

Reminds me of the Onion headline from Our Dumb Century’s review of WW2: Japan Forms Alliance With White Supremacists in Well-Thought-Out Scheme

No; this is an article about how the people Giri is talking about are dumb in addition to being bad, not about them being dumb instead of being bad.

Don’t even need xenophobia just the brown skin. Being a black man that grew a beard post 9/11 I was definitely asked if I was converting/was I Muslim/”jokes” about joining ISIS

All over the country Sikhs were targeted for hate crimes and racial harassment after 9/11, because ignorant uneducated white people thought anyone wearing a turban must be a Muslim. You’d think some people would remember that. When xenophobia becomes rampant in society anyone with brown skin is targeted.

I wonder if Jezabel and Lifehacker will refrain from posting “deals” and shopping links tomorrow?

Very true, but I’m not sure there’s any reason to think he was diabetic, whereas he was pretty open about enjoying a quality drink? Although his weight did quite a bit of yo-yoing towards the end, which I think can have similar results, and was a lifelong smoker.

It’s like when the assholes suggest that the poor kids have to work to earn their free lunch at school so they’ll “learn the value of work” like having money from your parents teaches you so much.

It is so maddening that a tax credit is supposed to help pay for things. I make so little a tax credit will do zero to help me. It’s such a privileged political ploy.

Well, I think these things can be a spectrum. I feel like most Americans have a dysfunctional relationship with food, but not all of them necessarily have a full-blown disorder.

I hear you so loud and clear it’s practically giving me a headache.