Lara Littlefield

“Beta Male” as a name for his blog is fucking terrible beyond belief awful.

Saying a woman or girl has “daddy issues” is fucking wretched. If she has daddy issues, shouldn’t the hate be directed at, you know, her god damned father? How is his disgusting and damaging fuckery her fault?

Expecting a new baby? How passe. I prefer old babies. Old babies give you a Werther’s Original and then take you out to dinner at the buffet at 4 o’clock.

I’m not going to watch the video, but I’ve got to say, it’s pretty cool that she’s turning what happened to her into performance art pieces. It’s probably empowering, and I bet it’s a really good way to process it.

I really hate them.

It blows my mind that anyone can compare the two. A seven year old is not thinking about their body or anyone else’s in a sexual way. BUT HAS ANYONE EVER MET A 14 YEAR OLD BOY??

Two five year olds looking at each other’s wee wees are “Playing Doctor”. A 15 year old adolescent molesting a five year old is not. Never mind that there were multiple victims, multiple occasions over several years, and often the victims were originally asleep, so they weren’t ‘playing’ anything.

Isn’t it amazing how Mike Phuckabee thinks that letting young girls listen to Beyonce is bad parenting?

Thank you for having the strength to share your story.

Thanks, I will definitely call them. Since it’s my understanding their is no generic for the NuvaRing and it is the only option in its class (ring) it should be 100% covered. I was definitely shocked when paying the copay last week.

So, I just paid $90 for a three month supply of the Nuva Ring through my insurance (they wouldn't dispense one at a time, only in a three pack). Any chance I can get this reimbursed? Or is this a going forward basis only?

Wall tapestry!!!

Late last year, for the first time in my 30-plus years of living indoors, I got my own place. No parents, no