Since this morning, we’ve had our eyes on Hillary Clinton’s social media channels, waiting for the official…
Since this morning, we’ve had our eyes on Hillary Clinton’s social media channels, waiting for the official…
A fight against the tyranny of pants?
I was actually going to say most of these people look pretty average, which surprised me. Instagram's version of Coachella makes you think they only let supermodels in.
“She needs to give up that dream like yesterday.”
Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday
As a wise man once said, “Never Tweet.” (I think it was Jesus Christ.)
I read the old Twitter jokes and they were... disappointing. But people can grow and change and it sounds like he’s moved on from that kind of “comedy.” I wish him well in his new tenure on the Daily Show. He’s got some very, very large shoes to fill.
Gloria Steinem wants North and South Korea reunified and is proposing a walk in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to…
Exactly, because everyone knows that I go around to people's homes asking if they "have a moment to talk about the teachings of Laverne Cox."
OMG one of the reps that voted for this bullshit used the term "Gaystapo" on twitter. I hate my state. I really hate my state.
I love this.
Jesus, the tree man...One of the "tree man" guys squatted in my building for a few months in 2012 and always thought it was super funny to scare the little kids I nannied at my apartment. He was the woooooorst.
Maine! Home of L.L.Bean, lobster rolls, Stephen King, and now, a teacher who just won a $1 million prize for being…
Rape Aggression Defense, or R.A.D., as it brands itself, is one of the most widely offered women's self-defense…
Say you're getting married and don't want to invite your parents due to the abuse they visited upon you as a child.…
I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world…
The only calming down a woman does is the brief quiet before the storm that follows being told to calm down and precedes her verbally tearing someone to pieces.
Cool Pope (real name) just came back from visiting the largest Catholic nation in Asia and he's got some thoughts he…
So, as a woman in college, I should just sit down and shut up about the way universities consistently ignore and actively harm victims and protect rapists? Agitating for change is just showing my privilege, is it? You're likely a troll, but I've seen one too many serious comments like this.