Sounds more they have a fetish about being kidnapped.
Sounds more they have a fetish about being kidnapped.
Or the stupid shit they post on Facebook or NextDoor about how everyone wants to abduct them.
Welcome to the Nextdoor app.
This is his neighbor and the kid was in her own front yard. WTF.
The “little Black woman” thing is really illustrative. Either the word “child” didn’t occur to him or it -did- occur to him and he realized on some level that saying it would point out how unfounded his “fear” was.
regardless of Lawshe’s intentions, the incident was “still racism,” and “this was not a mistake.”
I care about both, but I feel the need to point out that there are a lot more shitty people you’ll be exposed to than shitty puppies. I’m okay with prioritizing their rights over those of my common man...
Just more evidence that he probably is an amoral psychopath.
I’m not sure why you think the other things on that list HAVEN’T hurt him with voters.
I can already see the weirdos drowning their puppies to own the libs like they did with {checks notes} “Yeti coolers, Diet Coke, French Fries, Mark Ham- oops {drops notes on the ground, paper unrolls for 60 ft. - comedically - like a Monty Python skit}
“one Oz-led study resulted in a litter of puppies being killed by intracardiac injection with syringes of expired drugs inserted in their hearts without any sedation. Upon being killed, the puppies were allegedly left in a garbage bag with living puppies who were their littermates”
I hear you, but B&J’s have been activists for a loooong time.
“Reading doesn’t make you smarter...Can you learn things by reading? Sure.”
Nope. Here’s the thing with reading, you self-educate. When a book I’m reading references anything (word, historical person or place, etc) it makes me look up/explore that reference.
Nah, Boots was spot on. She seemed fine to me as a person, but what she CHOSE to represent is problematic to say the least. She had the power to abdicate being the living symbol of colonial oppression and "all for one and barely any for all" greed but, you know...castles are very difficult pieces of real estate to…
Eh, fair enough. Acting as the largely symbolic head of an empire that did a lot of harm to those under its rule, it’s only fair she attracts criticism.
Recognising modern Russia as a capitalist political economy that’s bad even by the standards of capitalism, isn’t pro-communist. If anything it’s pro-capitalist: They point to Russia and say look here’s an example of bad capitalists they’re the ones you should criticise, not us the GOOD capitalists.
She is a walking, waving and (occasionally) talking advertisement for Imperialism and conservative politics and I blame her (and every “southern belle” in the USA) for providing a “good,” white, female face to mask the hideous slaughter and injustice carried out in her name.