
Can I come in from an ecosystem management angle? The reality is, hunters fund a shit-ton of conservation through license and gear purchases (non-hunters frequently do not know this), and hunter numbers have been falling steadily in most parts of the country. If this gets people in hunter's ed and out there and

Dear Michael King,
Freedom of expression does not guarantee freedom from consequences.

damn, times have changed for the worse.

Made me remember this:

They aren't racist! They don't even see color, man. It's all the people who called them racists who are thinking so much about race, because thinking about race makes you a racist!

Yes! I LOVE the 'healthy portion' snack foods which look to be a single 'healthy' portion, but when you examine the nutrition label, they're actually 2-5 'healthy' portions.

"Back when we were allowed to express ourselves"

I know! I am especially annoyed by Naked juice doing this, because they advertise the amount of fruit in each bottle but then report nutritional information per serving size (which is half a bottle). So misleading!

Serving sizes that coincide with the calorie listing is another hopeful change

Also, "When you look at the label, there are roughly two dozen numbers of substances that people aren't intuitively familiar with."

Let's assume this fetus were viable. And then it would be born with a ton of special needs and health problems and likely need care 24/7.

I dislike the framing that they should remove the life support because the fetus is abnormal because even if the fetus was fine, they should still be following the family's wishes.

Cookie dough flavoured cookies. Cookies that taste like they haven't been baked but actually they have been baked?
We've come full circle, folks. The end is surely nigh.

And all this time I've been using real deodorant and baby powder under there!