
I also had an LA Equinox experience with one woman on one side of me washing her sandals in the sink (the sandals smelled like... maybe she was slowly turning into a zombie because her feet were giving off the odor of death rot) and a woman doing some DIY hair-relaxer stuff on the other side. The combination of smells

GAH I was coming here just to say this! Regardless of the beautiful image and the attempt at empowerment, I always have a visceral reaction against the use of the word "girls" when addressing a group of adult women. I realize there's no *better* word (guys, dudes, fellas =/= "ladies") but it still seems so belittling.

Ya that was talked about a lot in the book I read. The author breaks it down to evolutionary biology and blah blah blah *SCIENCE* (which actually worked a lot better to break me out of my ED rut than the "how do you feeeeeeeeeel"-type stuff). As incredibly smart as our brains are, they also can be tricked pretty damn

I, like so many other commenters here, am also recovering from 14+ years battling with various eating disorders. Reading the crap about the juice cleanse makes me FURIOUS. In my personal journey of recovery I found a great book - the first one that actually spoke to me after years of therapy and other self-help books

I can only think of Dethfashion from Metalocalypse when I see his picture:

There is a hideous storage building in Santa Monica (Venice?) that looks like a Sandcrawler (I know, I know - not a rocket ship, but interesting nonetheless). My boyfriend always says "ugh that thing is so ugly, why do you think they made it look like that?" and I reply, "I think they wanted it to look like the

My sister is an eyeball vet and today she told someone the price of a procedure for her dog. The woman, straight faced, said to her "well I WOULD be able to pay that if Romney had won. But since he didn't, there is just no way I can afford that." My sister said she bit her tongue but all she wanted to say was, "if you

Baby animals make everything better. This healed months and months of hateful partisan rage in me.

Totally could open with Oprah mistakenly releasing the bees.

I only learned about it because I chose to take those courses in college. I hope (and definitely think) that this election cycle is a wake up call to all women, and men, that the struggle is still going on, and that being passive about women's issues could definitely bite us in the ass in the end.

There are bra fitters, and then there are the young ladies working at VS. I'm sure it's not all of them - I'm sure there are plenty of ladies working at VS who know how to properly fit a bra, but the experience I have had in VS was NOT one of women who knew how to properly fit a bra.

I guess you didn't read any of my other responses...

This was the first image that popped into my head while reading the title of this piece...

That definitely could be true. I just wish that that sentiment would die out and the acceptance that feminist=working to equalize an embedded patriarchal society would become the norm.

I have chronic bitchface (I am a stressed out grad student with insane student loan bills, who makes too little money, sleeps too little, and is writing a dissertation on a not-so-happy topic... so yeah, it tends to shine through) and I get that ALL THE FUCKING TIME. But god forbid I say, "this is just my face and not

I once said to my boyfriend, "well in my mind, having been educated at a liberal arts college in the mid-2000s, YOU would be considered a feminist." He said, "what the what?" And I explained, "you believe women can do pretty much anything we set their minds to (barring spontaneously growing a wiener or things like

Exactly. I think feminist has been misinterpreted to mean something that it doesn't, and shouldn't.

Amen. I don't see why that can't just be accepted, as is, without any other baggage.

God, the "you led them on by having a face and not scowling" comment is the worst. I was attacked while visiting a friend at her college years ago. My indiscretion? Asking for directions to a frat house where I was meeting people for a party. When I went to campus security they said, "well what did you do? Did you say