Agreed. It's always ok for a guy to go on and on about how big of a geek or nerd he is, but if a girl is doing it, it's always for attention. Double standards FTW!
Agreed. It's always ok for a guy to go on and on about how big of a geek or nerd he is, but if a girl is doing it, it's always for attention. Double standards FTW!
Buffy never used guns. :(
@A Small Turnip: I want to live in a 200-year-old house in London. :(
There is no soul in those eyes!
Thank goodness.
So basically Mystic Quest was the 90's version of WoW?
@jayntampa: Says the guy with a rack for an avatar. lol
@senselocke: Um, the Starkiller story is canon, what isn't canon is his fall to the Darkside that was shown in the expansion.
At approximately 1:43 you can see his butt under that armor as he runs away. :p
@Gnarkiller: Actually, the Sith used synthetic crystals, not the Jedi. It wasn't until Luke's era that Jedi began to use synthetic crystals.
That was incredible, and incredibly sad. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes at work. :(
@mrClint: And just what, might I ask, do you expect to look like at 43? Brad Pitt? I sure hope so.
Can't stop playing...
@Jarerex_Ir_Warnen: Well said, those are my sentiments exactly expressed in a way I never could!
You can be a witch and not be a Wiccan. There are many forms out there just as you there are any other type of religion.
You expect us not to body snark and then you post a picture like this? That's just mean.
I thought we already did that with Advent Children. I mean, it must've been made up of cut scenes since the movie made no sense without the context of the obviously missing video game sections.
I'm surprised they didn't get a cameo of Olivia Munn anywhere in there. This video and Olivia Munn are exactly what I hate about this whole "girl gamer" thing that's been tossed around left and right on the internet.
@pwnyo: Thank you. :) I figured as a gamer I could afford to donate the cost of a typical video game to a much more worthy cause.
$50 and my deepest condolences. Hope it helps!