Didn't Hellgate kind of already do this? Hopefully this one won't fail as miserably.
Didn't Hellgate kind of already do this? Hopefully this one won't fail as miserably.
@Francis Lamarre: So, by this theory do you refute a Christian when they say they believe in "God" if you don't? Do you tell them God is fake even if you don't believe it? Just because you don't agree with someone or their way of thinking doesn't mean you can't still be respectful. All it sounds to me like what you're…
@HelenofPeel: I agree!
@Vecha: $10 says he doesn't look anything like his avatar!
@Randall Ward: I can suspend my disbelief just fine. However the high heels just look stupid. What is this, 1970?
@lizilizi1: Oh, no doubt it could've been a woman doing the assaulting too. I just find it highly unlikely it was a man.
@lizilizi1: I dated a guy who worked as a character actor for Disneyland discovered that usually women were the ones who dressed in the shorter character costumes, such as Donald Duck.
Hopefully it won't suck as much as their last attempt at a "new era".
@FineFrenzy: I'm hispanic, american-mexican to be exact, and I was born in California. My mother was born in North Carolina, yet speaks with a slight accent. I'd be livid if my mother was pulled over by cops and asked to prove her legal status in this country that we both pay taxes in and live in as legally born…
@FineFrenzy: So were you taken away in a border patrol truck to prove your citizenship or were you just taken down to the station until your identity was confirmed? Were you humiliated by it? I'd certainly be humiliated being taken away in a border patrol vehicle.
Hmmm.. so that's where my Qwa Ha Xahn went to!
@sissylarue: Well, he already does on Smallville.
@cynopt: Ha! Good one. I feel the same way about the article.
Ok, either I am really trying to see it, or there is a total buttshot of Lucifel at around 1:43 in that video. Please someone tell me I am not just crazy.
@tk.: Ha ha! Yep! That action figure is a horrible representation of the actual character.
That does not look like Jake Gyllenhaal.
@Reverend_MoJo: Maybe he does want to stick Bonnie between his genitals. How do you know?
Isaac is looking like some kind of alternate universe Clone Trooper.
@Ehardergardens: I hate having to play a dude, unless its Kratos. :(
Frank Frazetta was an amazing artist and at 82 I'm glad he was able to live a full life. I'm also glad he shared so many amazing and wondrous images with us. He's inspired countless generations with this work. RIP, Frank!