
@BallPtPenTheif: Yes because it's entirely her fault that her fiance is a two-timing schmuck.

@VincentGrey: Hmmm, if all you've been looking at is flat guy ass, no wonder you have no love for the male butt.

@VincentGrey: I'll have to disagree, a guy's ass is one of the most incredible things on his body. If you want to talk about the day God phoned in, it was when he made the penis.

@Kicken: I agree. One of the things that always stood out for me besides the superior experience on the PC was the price. $60 for a PC game, especially one that is only a piece of an entire game, is a lot of money. Even for a company like Blizzard. The entire Starcraft experience is likely to cost $180 by the time

"The same is true with regard to our pricing options — we want to make sure players have the flexibility to experience the game according to their own preferences and play style." So that's why it's going to cost $60 for us?

@soyombo2001: My lack of Starcraft knowledge shines through.

Hmmm... does the picture of that guy in that helmet seem a lot more Arthas like than the original one with the older guy chewing on a cigar?

@Maritan: Know someone at Blizzard, do you?

Hmmm... I don't know what's worse, the reflection this has on girl gamers or the reflection is has on the men who would pay to play with these women. Either way, it's sad.

Sorry, but this guy sounds like a douchebag. I agree with everyone else here who has said Apple needs a new guideline stating your App can be removed for being an a-hole.

@Kobun: HA! I was thinking the same thing!! No Calorie count for QTE's!!

@chewblaha: That's interesting. I originally felt the same way about the show, but for whatever reason I still ended up purchasing the blu-ray season 1 collection. I now happily admit that once I got to see the series on my own terms with one episode right after the other I enjoyed it a lot more. Also, the director's

@Kris: Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt hurt when Kaiden went off on me, especially since I had been looking forward to seeing what would happen when I finally found him.

@Thriceborn: There's still.... good... in him..... /dead

@Valerie_Cherish: I completely agree with you. That's an excellent choice!

I want the concept art model!!! Damn you blizzard and your one-sided skin exposure!!!!

@Vedli: He is a Spartan, after all. Don't believe the nonsense your heard in 300!! They liked them some man love!

@Joshua Smellie: I really wish people would stop using that tired phrase. It's been shown time and time again that sex does not sell all that differently from anything else, especially in the video game market.

@Koztah: I'd like to second this motion about scanning. I didn't think it was possible for them to make visiting planets any more annoying than in the first one. Somehow, they proved me wrong.