
Yup.. that's Fallout 3 alright.

Four mini-mates figures and they're not the ghostbusters?? WTF?

I want to live in that city.

That's funny.. my PSP broke and I didn't even care enough to buy another one. There just wasn't enough on it to make me care.

It's Karma...

What is the big deal with this game, aside from it being FF? It looks just like every other next gen japanese RPG.

I think both of their statements were completely stupid.

This is what happens when a girl *thinks* she's good looking.

At least Blizzard is doing their part to stimulate the economy.

It's not that big...

Is that George Bush beating up a ninja?

@I_Hate_This_Place: Yes... because those psychologically screwed up women are what every man dreams of in his life....

By the looks of that room this little girl must be the most spoiled child in existence.

@dgd1542: Did you even get the sarcasm?

Wasn't the first Lost Planet a horrible confusing mess anyway? Is there some reason why PS3 owners should even care if it comes out on their system or not?

@goldwings: That is the scariest mouth I have ever seen.

The posts on this article has pretty much made me decide that most of you suck.

I have the designer diary book for this game, it's a fantastic coffee table book with tons of artwork for the game, however it's almost like a book of remembrance with pictures of all those poor developers that got the shaft from Lucasarts.

Why don't these ever come out in the US?!?!?!?