I freaking hate Olivia Munn. Biggest attention whore I have ever seen.
I freaking hate Olivia Munn. Biggest attention whore I have ever seen.
I am so there for anything that lets me create my own worlds and adventures!!!
This is very easy to determine... just do the "mom test"....
I can't believe how many of your weirdos keep asking what she looks like under her clothes and if the clothes are removable.
@OrtenseBia: Should've bought it on PC anyway.
@MeanMillz: Yeah.
I'm really enjoying the new Tomb Raider, but must admit I received it as a christmas gift and wasn't actually considering buying it myself until the price went down.
I created a Death Knight one one server and then moved it to another server with no problems at all. Why not just do that?
It's nice to see that at least one company out there still tries to keep it classy.
Does it slow down like that when the physX kick in in the real game too?
@the-hypnotoad: LOL!!!
@Hamsfork: How in the hell is any life worth more than another life? Do you find these kids to be particularly important future contributors to society? I don't.
Sigourney Weaver has always struck me as a "true" actress, not just someone who'll do stuff because they need the cash. I am so glad she didn't sell out and just do some cheap representation of Ripley... well.. although I guess you couldn't say the same about Aliens 4. Oh well...
So the goal of Japanese people is to make themselves look more Caucasian?
@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): Yes, I'm sure *that's* why.
I am a 32 year old female with a successful career, a wonderful boyfriend, and a great life.
I still think Microsoft is somehow involved in this. They're buying up the whole US now!
@TheBard: "Shouldn't we at least have a differentiated opinion about the role of torture in our society and media? Especially in the current times, where the question of torture is even more relevant than usual?"