
Love the game... hate the combat system. Bethesda doesn't seem to be able to make a decent combat system with the Gamebryo engine.

@ChimDeathmonkey: Calm your bleeding heart. That's actually part of Warhammer lore.

Booooo... oh well.. at least now I can enjoy Dead Space on the PC for a whole week.

Labeling a game an "abomination" just makes me want to get it.

You're all such a classy bunch of guys.

@Itri: HA! That's exactly what I was thinking.

@Buttah: Better watch out. I made a comment about Gabe's weight and got in trouble for it.

So I see that this CE is living up to the wondrous standards that the Lord of the Rings Online CE created!

@AnotherGamer: Congratulations on making both a stupid and sexist comment all in one post!!!

This is so sad. Well, I had fun in SWG for a while at least. Never played the original.

Oh look... another nude model who is also a "massive gaming geek"... wow! What are the odds???

@Asbestos_Underwear: Sorry... I don't see this happening to WAR in the least, and I am not just being a fangrrl. WAR is the first MMO to come along in a long time since WoW that I am really enjoying.

@phicaluk: HA! I was actually thinking the same thing!

@everybest: Me too... if I didn't already own one I'd be all over this and to top it off, it's for a good cause.

@Mobus: Lucas just needs to go back to Episode 1, work his magic, and get rid of Jar-Jar and Jake Lloyd... as a matter of fact.. replace both of them with characters worthy of the Star Wars saga.

@Calhoun: Since WoW has yet to balance any of their classes... I'm not sure a delayed release would make much of a difference.

@Final: There has been no server lag or server issues. And the patches have been minimal at best.

I really really really want this game. And I really really really hope all of this hype isn't just that. This generation of games has probably burnt me more than any other generation yet.