
OMG!!! And guess what else??? We sweat, eat, and sleep too!!! Wow!!!!

OMG! That picture is so cute!

You know... people tend to always call people who comment negatively on developers opinions about a certain system "fanbois"... but to be honest, where exactly is the proof that these developers themselves are not "fanbois"?

Yay!!! I am loving Warhammer, so this is great news. I haven't gotten any tells yet from gold farmers, but I know that my BF has. We're both on the same server, so I know they're out there.

Hmmm.... so no naked people walking around a post-apocalyptic landscape??

The Sims is interesting because you can build houses, decorate them, and then lock people in small closed in rooms and watch them pee themselves until they die and form a gravestone. I built a whole graveyard using this method.

Ah yes... a "Class Action Lawsuit"... the disgruntled gamer's best friend. I've never read that term so much until I started reading gaming blogs.

@ct1: r md Gb Nwll ft... dn't frgt tht.

Wow... this looks absolutely horrible!!! No wonder it got canceled!!! It reminds me of Halo if it were a Saturday Morning Cartoon.

Hey I liked that song.

Just remember.... if you vote for McCain... you're really voting for Palin.

It's a sign... they should just put the company to rest and leave it with the legacy it has and not tarnish it anymore.

I think they screwed up on the sky graphics.

My boyfriend can attest to the fact that I become obsessed with video games - even more than he does.

"That's right, Mail Online. You forgot to mention the cheat code you can only acquire by eating a live baby. I had to do it twice, because I forgot to write it down the first time."

After the failure of Force Unleashed, I will no longer keep my hopes up for any game. From now on everything is crap until I get a chance to try it out.
