How could this game not win you over?!?
How could this game not win you over?!?
@evetssteve: Because then you at least your comments, particularly if you are a software developer, seem a bit more valid?
He thinks replaying a level for two hours after failing is fun?
What is he even going on about? As far as I was aware Fable 2 isn't even coming out on the PS3? Why is someone who's not even supporting a system rambling on about it??
"...will probably be missing out pack-ins like bulky manuals, maps, posters, and other goodies..."
@AllegraStreit: Really? Fry's had a ton of Burning Crusade CE's around January this year... I checked about two months ago and they still had three or four left on the floor.
@Burguois, Teabagger of Olde: lol!!
@Kenofthedead: I could deal with that.
Ugh... I really wish I never spent the money to buy AoC. It turned out to be yet one more MMO that I paid for and only played for about a week. =(
Now if only we had been able to get the guys who recreated London to work with the guys who made Hellgate: London, then maybe the game(s) wouldn't have sucked.
@Dionyza: The irony.. considering the graphics look almost exactly like WoW's.
@Nside: People still buy CD's?
@Vezroth: You need to get shields and a fleet.. then you become a terror across the galaxy.
@pasquinelli: I meant targeting specific games... although I do recall the big issues with the Mass Effect game.
I don't remember so many people whining about this when.. oh, let's see....
@Dr_Claw4891: lol. I love it.
I am completely addicted to the game. I can't stop playing it. I do have to admit that the constant zooming into the planets can be annoying.
WoW is so last year.
Hello Kitty requires grinding??? LAWL....
I was rick rolled.... again. =(