LaQuoi Darling

I got the place! I move in in January!

May I suggest doing some research on Berlin? Almost everyone here speaks English and I have met tons of gainfully employed people, especially waiters and the like, who speak zero German. The cost of living is really low compared to most cities, and its cool as hell. i cant make any practical recs on visas, etc, but at

Guys, I got an offer on an apartment next to a bus stop, a quarter-mile from my school, fully furnished, utilites included, for only $450 per month. I save $6000 per year on university housing!

Embarrassed is probably the wrong word, but sometimes I can't help but feel like I missed out on some experiences. I wouldn't trade what I have in order to have those experiences, but I still get that nagging little feeling from time to time.

he asked how I shaved my ass without leaving any stubble.

I'm going to reply to KateFace and KayLeeJane: If the relationship and the sex are still good, why be embarrassed? Sounds like you did good...

I posted about my first dude downthread, but just had to say, my second experience...was with a male stripper.


update: i just Googled him, and he still lives in my town. my dream could become a reality.

Raises hand. It was prom night and he told me if I didn't sleep with him that night he would dump me. I agreed because for some reason I thought he was too awesome to lose. He was a weightlifter who had hard callouses on his hands. He also thought ramming it in was cool. No warm up, no tenderness, nothing. It was so

Oh my god, I know. I already get choked up thinking about how excited I am to finally be doing this! My seven year old, Free Willy obsessed self is going to be so damn happy.

That's very reasonable! Especially since giant boats tend to charge almost half as much anyway. The Zodiac boats have come up a few times so we will definitely look into those!

Victoria looks so beautiful! Originally it was just considered because of a tour company we found, but then all the photos just looked stunning and thought a 2 or 3 day jaunt in the area would be delightful. And OHMYGOD baby orca?!

Here is a quick note on rape and physiological arousal, particularly as it pertains to male victims of rape.

Oh no, definitely not. I threw that thing and bolted. The police do not have my DNA.

That ain't right.

You. I like you :)

You're misunderstadning the definitition, or at least the use, of the word privilege. It does not mean spoiled. It does not mean autimatically life is easy. It does not even mean that the privilege has ever ovecome specific hardhsips. Someone can be white, male, uber rich, and get stricken with cancer! Their privilege

Right, I can see how that might be nerve-wracking, but I don't think this guy is so concerned with Alexa at Goldman Sachs and you're right, most of us are buried way underneath people like that. The point is, if you had a sister, you might find that she has to deal with things that often don't even occur you to as

And still you do not get the logical fallacy of your argument. You are comparing economic inequality to gender equality as if they are the same thing. Those rich white "daddies girls" have an advantage over you, the smarter, more deserving and more worthy male because they have money. This is the same disadvantage all