“The Bradenton area is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the WORLD”
American sports fans chanting USA, USA constantly for no particular reason will be the enduring image of this empire.
I laughed so hard at the off-balance glove slap. His right and left hands were in two completely different fights.
I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”
I think you are getting the wrong vibe. Most people are well aware of how your mythical “average joe” talks, a lot of us just think he’s an asshole for it.
Please clarify which one is kids and which is pets in your example.
So you’ve spent a shitload of money, your carpet is gross, and you get up multiple times every night. You’re not making a compelling case here.
That does not sound like fun.
Yes you giant baby
A watered down product of fading relevance being forced upon the rest of the world? I can't think of anything more American.
“Make America great again!”
As the guy who was president of FSU when the Jameis Winston rape case got swept under the rug, Barron is fast becoming academic America’s poster boy for campus sex crime denial.
Kasich is like that guy at work who seems like a reasonable human being when you meet him, but then later you find out he’s some weird masochism fetishist who likes being stung in the balls by jellyfish.
The last person to hit me with a “your generation” was while i was walking into a Fugazi concert. This was like getting Id’ed buying beer, bless your heart for making me feel young and hip.
No, it’s probably because it isn’t mired in the hokey “holier than thou” ethos that makes baseball as bland as a church festival and the players act like you’ve pissed on their God when you enjoy accomplishing something.
Al Horford added that his team “wouldn’t do anything like that,”
It is a little too late for the Hawks to start getting defensive about Game 2.
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.