La Plume Dilettante

Avocado and dusty orange, like Grandma's salt and pepper shakers.

"You get me those pictures of Spider-Man giant, man-eating spiders."

Ha'dly, da'ling. Now, run along back to old Blighty, why don't yah?

SKED-jool. But not me, because I affect a trans-Atlantic accent all the time.

I guess that means we're left stiiiiill waiting.

And then they all live happily ever after on the planet of the teddy bears.

What a lovely crushed velvet jacket.

Forget it, she's Rowling.

*slurry chuckle*

"You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing is it?"

It's been a while since I've seen HBP, but I remember thinking "this book, this is the one that'll make a great film!" And then they kinda whiffed it. To really make that ending sting, you have to have the build-up of Harry coming to trust and admire whoever scribbled in his potions book, while resenting Snape even

Those two and Bill Nighy cemented it as a classic in our family, even though I kinda wish I could edit a few of the plotlines here and there.

I don't mind Gambon's portrayal necessarily. But yeah, he seemed to be playing the role as more "batty old man" when it should have been "crazy like a fox."

That one's good, but his delivery of "expectorate" always stuck with me especially, to the point where I'd try to use it in conversation wherever possible. I still think of that film and character whenever I see the word. :(

Leo won something!

American Hustle felt like 5 hours of my life I wish I could get back.

And all the effusive praise for David O Russell. Eurgh.

That flinch that DiCaprio did when she walked behind him.

Fundamentally, she can't take it.

Maybe Bosom Buddies. Or Perfect Strangers! Hannibal as cousin Balki!