La Plume Dilettante

:whispers: crusty jugglers

I checked their front page very, very briefly. It said something like "This means WAR."

I gawt ah bee sting!

I'll get you all some Oreos or Chips Ahoy or something. That'll fix it.

Ha ha, this poor commenter can't tell the difference between the words "maroon" and "moron".

The other kind are macarons, not macaroons, you incompetent philistine!

"He's also not arguing that economics isn't the important driver of class difference."

I read this in a Bill Hader as Stefon voice.

No. For better or for worse, covfefe will live on in covfefemy.

I really like it so far just by the overall mood. It's got all the weird little flourishes and genre-mashes I expect from Gorillaz. Beyond that, given that a certain mutability is built into the group, I can't ask for anything more.

Yeah, probably. Then it's FF followed by Metric for me.

I'll second Cut Copy, but my personal fave is Franz Ferdinand.

A google search for Tucker Carlson helpfully reminds us that he once said Democrats "made up the concept of sexual harassment," right there on the first page.

Yeah, but Alan Rickman punches him in that one, doesn't he? (In a pretend fight, but still.)

Trump's supporters also like to post quotes from Andy Borowitz pieces as if they were real, sincere reporting.

The Man From Nowhere. If they made a sequel, I would watch the hell out of it.

In my defense, it's been a while since I've read/seen HP, but I really should've remembered Magnitude.

There's Angelina Johnson, Blaise Zabini, and the kid who announces the quidditch matches. As far as I remember, Lavender Brown is white, but maybe that was just the film interpretation?

I got to read an advanced copy of Hag-Seed and was… not impressed. I think I expected something more out of the prose given her reputation, but overall it seemed quite bland. Of course, I'm still looking forward to reading The Handmaid's Tale. (I, too, am remiss in not having done so yet.)

All of them?