la petite bort

Aaron Carter is too horny for a single gender to accomodate.

It's not so much that he beat Shaq, the true story lies in *how* he beat Shaq.

You would wear it anywhere that the piss tape is real, i.e. everywhere because the piss tape is real.

Could you help me order a sandwich?

If the nazis think non-white races are subhuman then it's our responsibility to meet them halfway. Howabout we just agree that non-white people are half-human? I think that's a compromise we can all live with.

The only thing I'm not getting is tired of Spotify's "Discover Weekly" playlist!

yeah me too

Hype Williams is what was up with that

It was discussed frequently when the show first started. At this point it's rather unnecessary (given that this rather low rated series is about to end) but if you really want to stave off the rage induced heart attack this seems to be giving you I suggest you dig up some interviews with him from season 1.

actually they are red

I suspect it's probably a very specific impersonation of a real person, hence the inexplicable accent.

You can't call a penis a "fake penis" just because you don't like it.

Are you from South Dakota? Because it sounds like you're from South Dakota.

The Iowa one doesn't necessarily have a political motivation.

punching richard spencer is a platonically ideal good

i never knew how much i wanted to see Black Panther wearing a bootleg bart t-shirt until exactly this second

Irony poisoning is a serious affliction.

Fucked Off