La Patrona

I don't work in the porn industry either, but I figured perhaps they did a "here's this person going to work, walking by the school gates" shot, which you could do relatively quickly, rather than a whole "here's lots of sex" scene.

I bet they just filmed a few scenes really quickly; I do that with photoshoots* sometimes!

We could at least have her name spelt right, I would've thought… oh well.

It sounds like the filming was in front of the school, not in the school, so that probably makes a massive difference, I would think.

I'm not a footie person so I'm afraid I don't know.

Aha! That's what I think I was trying to figure out — if it was tied to a type of music or anything beyond putting selfies on Myspace. Thank you!

You are a kind and considerate person. I am now amused.

Her name's Sian, says this reasonable British lady.

I'm not allowed to see this video (boo, stuff that's only for special American snowflakes) but yes, I will totally be having sex at my parents' house.

I'm sorry for being totally thick, but what is the actual "scene" thing about? Is it literally just girls with dyed hair putting pictures of themselves on the internet, or was it something else?

Ha! It was hot and my shoes were all too warm; sorry it's not more exciting!

I wish I could switch off the filter, but the link it gives me doesn't work! Bloody 3.

I know nothing about her (I'm not American) but I had to buy emergency smart-ish flipflops for Thanksgiving and the cheapest ones I could find were LC branded, and they're very nice. Good for her.

This confused me because of the names at the top of each one; are they the wrong way round? On my phone the name at the top matches the incoming texts on the right… on these it seems to match the outgoing texts on the left, which makes no sense because why would your phone display your own name?


Yep, and it just started the other day. I haven't noticed it with any other websites, but I only really go on websites on my phone if I'm on the train, so it's pretty much just a cursory browse of this site every other day or so!

I suddenly stopped being able to access Jezebel on my phone because it's "adult". I have no idea what changed. It's annoying, and I wasn't able to fix it because the link it gave me went to "page not found".

And clouds. I've walked into things while being distracted by an interestingly shaped cloud before.

Ha! (Sorry to laugh at your childhood traumas.)