La Patrona

As far as I've been able to figure out, "Latino" is anyone from or with ancestors from Central or South America (so not Iberia)… and Hispanic is anyone from the hispanohablante world (so not Brazil)… and people who are from a place or speak a language could be of any race, so it's still not a race! (And my husband is

THANK YOU. I could never get my head round this when I lived in the US, and many people insisted that I was wrong and thought it hilarious that I considered them white. It was confusing.

Thank you! This totally confuses me. People have asked me about my "mixed marriage" on the grounds that my husband apparently isn't white; and when I first arrived in the US people thought it was hilarious that I didn't "know" that Latino is a separate race… I'm still totally confused.

I saw this and thought "LA!", not "latina!", but then I thought that I'm probably getting it wrong because I'm not latina. Then I saw your comment and was happy I wasn't alone.

YES. I had almost all white everything (because it was cheap and then everything matches, easy) and got a few things in various shades of red and blue, to match my lipstick and my sister's bridesmaid dress. It looked great, and it was entirely painless.

Is oxblood the new burgundy? Everyone was talking about oxblood recently (and I decided Oxblood Peplum was the name of my firstborn hypothetical child).

I did gold. And blingy. I have never before been blingy. It was spectacularly out of character for me. It was fun. People are still talking about it.

PERFECT. We had a bunch of international stuff going on (we got married in his country, but he was leaving to move to mine) but our flags happen to have the same colours, so we used those.

I totally agree that there's a place for it — it's absolutely the right tone for some occasions. I just find it infuriating (seriously, I sit there getting all secretly rage filled and twitchy) when it's totally the wrong tone for the occasion — such as during a eulogy (true story!)

Exactly. Even though I left the US and should therefore initially find the kid-having thing a LOT cheaper, it just doesn't seem doable.

I do that a LOT. That way I can check in on my friends and see all the baby pictures when I'm in a baby-picture mood; it's wonderful.

I frequently have to sit through professional presentations? Where people talk like this? The whole time? And sometimes with vocal fry too? And even though they're probably really good at their jobs? I can't help but feel aggrieved knowing that they make more money than me? Because they just sound so unprofessional?

Don't worry! I'm doing a BA from the Open University* right now and I went to a residential week in the summer and met a bunch of my classmates, and the range of people was amazing. Some were 18 year olds just out of sixth-form who wanted more flexibility in their studies than they could get from a normal uni; one was

That's exactly what I liked about the film — he makes fun of his public persona so hard, with so much glee. (Plus, it's ridiculously, ridiculously silly and that makes me laugh.)

Yes; I always found it so fun to see all the naked ladies putting on their clothes and make up and doing their hair after hanging out at the Korean spa — suddenly they all became so different, and suddenly it seemed odd that we'd all been together in the same place, when it didn't seem that way at all when we were all

Wow, I had no idea he'd gone bad (or gone to America).

I *love* that colour! It's massively over represented in my wardrobe/make-up drawer/the stack of nail varnishes in my fridge. I saw it all over the place last year, and was happy.