La Patrona

Isn't it the picture from Pantone themselves?

Ha! I used to go to the one in West Hollywood on Santa Monica in the middle of the night all the time when I first lived in West LA — if I was taking the bus back home across town in the middle of the night it was a handy halfway point where I could eat and use the loo and then wait for the bus again without getting

I love beautiful handwriting, and secretly judge people with ugly handwriting — I'm already sad that I see so little of it.

Or the same school!

Have you heard the Nerdist postcast he's on?

I'm dying. You've killed me with brilliance. I don't even bow hunt.

People ask me that, too, and I can't understand how I learnt it and they didn't.

I love it; it's faster *and* looks so much nicer. I still write things out just for the glory of joined-up writing sometimes — it's just fun.

YES. I taught myself to type properly when I was nine, and I will definitely, definitely encourage any kids I might have to do the same.

I so, so, so wish I'd learnt both of them. If there's a way I can get my potential future kids taught 'em, I'll do it (except… it would probably cost money, and I doubt I will be paying for school!)

YES! I will definitely, definitely enforce joined-up at all times for my future potential kids. I love it. I will be disappointed in myself if my kids don't.

Did you see This is The End?

I realise this was a million years ago (well, a year ago) but one of my favourite things when I moved to the US was my ignorance of some stereotypes and cultural stuff. I realise ignorance generally isn't a good thing, but sometimes it freed me to do things without knowing that they "weren't for me", you know? Like I

I wonder if it changes regionally… I haven't investigated at all so this is purely anecdotal but I feel like here the "horrible crowded place where people are trapped living" meaning still stands in general, but in America I heard "ghetto" used as a synonym for "tacky" a lot… and then later figured out that it people

One of the things I enjoyed most about being foreign in America was my ignorance of some stereotypes, because it meant I could just enjoy some chicken without knowing other people might think I was "slumming" — food was just food to me then (and it was delicious!)

THANK YOU. I really didn't know the significance (and I am British so the thugs I've grown up around were definitely the football hooligan sort (usually white but could be anything) and was surprised to read so much outrage over how "thug" is spectacularly racist.

Maybe it's regional? That part flummoxed me, too.

I've never watched Glee but I was in America and missing Strictly so tuned in to Dancing with the Stars… and based on that alone I will say that AMBER RILEY IS GLORIOUS.

So shiny!

I generally found Sansa really, really annoying — which I think was great, because she's a crazily naive girl who's whiny and, well, annoying… I think I read her exactly as she's designed to be read. I simultaneously totally root for her, though — and I'm actually sort of anxious to find out what happens to her next.