La Patrona

Mmmmmm, Laphroaig…

Making the pricing clear is quite a big part of being a wedding photographer, because generally the clients aren't used to hiring photographers and it's important to make clients feel like they're *not* getting ripped off, and sometimes that's difficult. A lot of the time people want to just divide the fee by the

I went to America for Thanksgiving and heard it en español and it was just as annoying!

I do definitely get people who say it's too expensive… but there are plenty of things in life that I can't get because they're too expensive, so I suppose there's nothing much anyone can do about that!

The copyright ownership hasn't changed — the photographer definitely owns the copyright, and never the client — and really prints should still be the way the photographer earns a living, more than the shooting fee (like how the licensing fee should be how the photographer makes the money rather than the day rate on a

Oh, I don't do that — I don't have negatives! I do sell prints but I also give the files to the client so they can print them elsewhere if they want to (although many people still consider that unprofessional, because prints are traditionally where you actually make an income).

Very true; I'm a photographer and I have established rates but if a couple want something bigger/smaller or longer/shorter or it's just slightly above their budget, etc, I can definitely work on it with them.

Congratulations, and good luck!

Three hours plus planning plus editing plus processing plus experience plus kit plus insurance, etc… ;)

That sounds wonderful! We did the whole thing in one venue (it's beautiful, we'd both hung out there a lot, his friends managed it, his mother used to work there back in the 70s, etc) and it only cost us $500 for the whole day — photography, hair, make up, chair moving, music, etc, was all free. We made all the

I will say though that when I shoot weddings I do charge more than I would a non-wedding event — because weddings are a LOT more work for a photographer (and a lot more responsibility and a lot more stress). I don't jack up the price because I think people will be willing to spend more — I charge appropriately for my

Absolutely. The responsibility is MASSIVE.

Weddings are SO much harder than otherwise comparable events, definitely. I absolutely charge more for weddings than other shoots I do.

I don't know if wedding photography's a racket as much as just a massive, massive responsibility… obviously there are some really rubbish wedding photographers who just shouldn't be charging anyone anything, though!

Hee, my dress was £150 and I loved it!

I go one extreme to the other — I don't go knickerless during the day except on occasions when the outfit requires it or perhaps I just feel particularly non-drippy, but at night there is NO WAY I'm sleeping in underwear. I just can't do it.

One of the things I hear quite often from friends is that they're disappointed with their wedding pictures… one was shot entirely with a fisheye lens (I have no idea why my friend gave that bloke such a massive responsibility when clearly he didn't know what he was doing) and the family were all really upset. The

I definitely didn't tell people I was wedding planning, wherever possible — and all the suppliers I did tell were my friends, so the whole wedding thing got me most things free or very cheap in that case!

I did mine from a different country and went a bit mental. I did eeeeeeeverything, plates included, and flowers, and making all the decorations, etc. It was massively cheap, though, so it was worth it.

Mine too. There was absolutely no way I was making people pay for drinks at my wedding.