La Patrona

I'm from England, so I'm very used to tiny-island distances… the idea that when I lived in LA we could just pop to San Francisco, spur of the moment, was bewildering because that's basically THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF MY COUNTRY but on the map of the US it's nothing.

So do most people here, to be honest.

Oh, this is awesome.

I got one that was just quoting me exactly in Spanish, nothing changed at all. I think I broke it.


YES. Or I could just download it and then not have to have a thing in my tiny flat!

I only recently discovered the phrase "trigger warning" (on this site, obviously) and never, ever hear it anywhere else but already feel the need for a trigger warning trigger warning.

I was there two days ago and we were almost at the checkout when we realised we'd forgotten something. We then had an argument over whether it would be worse to have to go back in there *but backwards, against the direction of the arrows* or just go away and come back at the weekend.

I've never noticed it before because of all the tongue, but God she's got great teeth.

That film is THE BEST. I have it on video, which obviously isn't very useful.

Yep, I figured that out later. I just thought initially that the dancing style was how all bands were in America! When I first moved there it took a long while to get my head around how big the country is.

I always thought marching bands were boring (because they were, where I'm from) and then I moved to America and thought all marching bands were very exciting and brilliant and the best thing ever. And then I found out that my colleague used to be in a marching band and for years I was picturing him doing all the

Yes! And I'll write a rival one, "Export your Husband", about bringing American men to other countries and how it actually *is* possible to get a marriage licence issued by LA County within 24 hours, etc. Servicey!

I have no idea where we got it from, either! When I lived in California I quickly cured everyone I knew from using it (ie, my friend never again told her small daughter to "sit her fanny down" ever again) .

I'm assuming that just doesn't translate well (like the astoundingly hideous mental image I get when Americans say "fanny pack") and it wasn't a role in some sort of comedy porn film.

I'm *still* stunned by people saying "fanny pack" and it's been a million years and the amusement should really have waned by now. But it hasn't!

I know they're definitely all different, but I went to a hardcore Catholic school with zero sex education (well, we were handed a sheet of paper listing methods of contraception at the beginning of Home Ec once, before then spending the rest of the year studying nutrition for pregnant women and sewing baby blankets,

I purchased a domain for a similar site once, purely to help people figure out whether splitting infinitives is wrong or not.

Is that seriously one of them? Good God.

It's quite off-topic (and probably really inappropriate) of me, but GOD I love the word "hefty". I don't hear it enough nowadays. Is it very old fashioned? My mum still says it.