La Patrona

Insanely bad angle. Bad photographer, bad!

We did a group re-watching of Jurassic Park. We remembered it as a film about dinosaurs… but now, watching it again as grown ups, we realise it's a film about Jeff Goldblum reclining open-shirted a lot.

Hmm, that's interesting… I would've assumed the same as you, too.

It's my favourite part of sex! It's definitely stronger with some blokes than others, though, and I don't remember if I could feel it when I was really young or not… but I've definitely been able to feel it for most of my life. It feels like… swelling and hardening followed by very defined pulsations. I've never had

I think it must take practice, I suppose. I had someone try to pretend and it was totally unbelievable — I'm sure it could be done believably if practiced, though.

But if you can't feel it happening, wouldn't that be suspicious?

I'm 32 and I still think it's scary!



Oh , that was THE BEST.

I think the make-up was pretty good… enough that I still shudder when I think of them, to this day.

I LOVE CARAMEL MACHIATOS TOO!!!!!!! I feel an embarrassing amount of comradeship right now.

Only tangentially related, but my favourite/least favourite Starbucks name was "salted caramel hot chocolate" — it was my favourite drink, but none of the American Starbucks staff could ever understand what I was saying and tended to look at me with a disgusted "ugh, go away, foreigner" face. Sometimes I didn't order

Yes, absolutely! I found the whole thing just bizarre. None of them thought they were being odd or at all rude. It was a strange trip; they got in arguments with cab drivers all the time as well.

I dream of being a grown up and being able to afford to spend that sort of money on clothes. I'm 32 already, though, so I suspect I may never get there.

Ah, sorry — I thought you were responding to a comment responding to me, so I sort of read it as all one thing, missing the distinction. I absolutely sympathise with vegetarians being dragged to unsuitable restaurants; the case I was mentioning was definitely vegetarians opting to go to a seafood restaurant

Oh, absolutely. The weird thing about the seafood restaurant in question was that they all seemed so enthusiastic about going… and then all had problems with everything on the menu and didn't think that was odd at all.

I don't think it's the diet that's the odd thing in this case, more the choice of restaurant — if you're against kicking animals, why would you choose to go to an animal-kicking restaurant? (Sorry, I'm totally failing in my attempt to extend your metaphor.)

The really great Mexican restaurant next to my old office closed and was torn down and we were all sad… but then a two-storey TJ's opened there instead and we were all so fucking delighted. I ate/drank so much of that stuff. And their banana-bread mix was excellent.