La Patrona

My sister's really like that. She only wants "normal" food (I should add that she's a grown adult). The first time she came to Los Angeles they popped into the nearest supermarket, fresh off the plane and exhausted, to pick up some snacks before passing out for the night, and it happened to be a Trader Joe's and my

In my friends' case, I seriously think they went "We're in Barcelona! Seafood is great here! We must go to a seafood restaurant!" and then remembered that they don't like to eat poor little water animals afterwards. (Or maybe they just were in California mode*, and figured that there would be a million vegetarian

YES. I was with friends in Barcelona once and they chose a seafood restaurant… and then almost all insisted the waiter tell them what didn't have seafood in because they didn't eat seafood. We were a large party and they made him have the same conversation several times, because not everyone could hear. And it was all


I always (that makes me sound like I do this a lot; I swear I don't) find it's the weight that makes it so hard; that setup doesn't look so heavy… but how will they focus?! I can't be doing with SLR selfies.

Coachella VIP area is MASSIVE and pretty easy to access, from what I can tell. It makes life outdoors in 110-degree heat almost not horrible. (Plus the site is also totally accessible by car so you can just go home and shower and be in your own pool/at parties, etc.) I don't think the celebrity experience of Coachella

Sorry if this is a totally oblivious question: do people camp at Coachella? I've been several times but I've always stayed in nice houses (17 to a room, etc) and never saw any tents and I suppose just assumed that it is FAR too hot to camp… but perhaps that's I just never went to the camping area?

I don't know; does it?

Yep. I read something on the BBC today about brain development and how saying most people are fully matured at 18 is too early and it's more like 25ish. It definitely makes sense for me… At 18/20 I was SO faking being grown up; God, it was awful!

I saw a deer like that once in northwest Washington. It looked so sad.

I was definitely a bemoaning-my-wretched-lovelife person… but also a stop-telling-me-the-same-thing-over-and-over-again-about-your-stupid-boyfriend-dump-him-already person. I was hypocritical. Sorry, world.

Oh, that sea of gold is GLORIOUS.


I have no idea how true it is, or if so why… perhaps it's like how lots of English people are superficially anti American?

Ha, I'm very much a "WHY ARE YOU SAYING 'GOOD MORNING' TO ME RIGHT NOW?????!!!!!!!" type when I'm in a bad mood!

I can't imagine myself responding well to "Have you tried this or that" from a well-meaning stranger while already stressed out trying to deal with a kid being naughty!

I was in Spain with a friend whose first language is Spanish, but she pretended not to understand Spanish because she didn't want them to hear her Mexican accent. I have no idea if she was being sensible or paranoid.

I get second-hand rage overhearing anyone giving anyone parenting advice!

Yes. Very good. More please.