La Patrona

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but… the merest mention of American "gravy" fills me with dread. To this day, I can't get past the *thought* of "biscuits and gravy", let alone looking at it or — shudder — trying it. To me, biscuits and gravy sounds like what I suppose an American might call "cookies and meat juice".

I've never known adults to eat waffles but I practically lived on them as a child. Now I'm craving them.


Looking at these makes me so scared I feel dizzy and nauseated and had to stop looking — I really want to have a kid or two but I feel so totally horrified when I think about losing control of my body that I don't now how I will ever be able to, which makes me really sad. I've felt like this for probably 15 years or

Because somehow Jezebel knows about the time I saw TI and was astounded by how unexpectedly attractive I found him, despite the fact that his hat was balancing on his head at such an improbable angle that I couldn't keep from laughing?

100% agreed. I was thinking of the club situation myself, too: the women flirting and making the men think they're on to a winner, and in the end everyone goes home separately but it was quite fun for an hour or so… those days were fun, and this video is fun (for me).

I love it! And am not ashamed!

I really love this video, and I think the women are hilarious. I totally thought it was an amusing take on men thinking they're super hot and women pretending to go along with it for fun… it actually didn't occur to me that anyone would read it any other way (I am naive).

Ooh, haven't tried that one. Does it work internationally?

We had HBO so I think we just automatically had HBO Go, too. It was so handy when we were in the US.

The annoying thing is that we do have HBO Go access, but it seems like we can't use it out of the US… being in the UK is really messing up my True Blood habit.

Oh for the love of God… I'm going to have to start watching it illegally on the internet to catch up, aren't I?

YES. I aspire to that.

When I lived in LA at first I thought people were really, really friendly on first meeting but then I wondered why no actual friendship occurred… back in London, there's far more swearing and making fun of people, but friendships happen.

I lived in Los Angeles for years and love it… BUT London is a relief from chirpiness.

My friend did a less-ballon-y version of this at her birthday party. Everyone did really well with their colours and it looked glorious.

Two hours is such a short amount of time… I wonder if perhaps they didn't have a system in place for "pausing" a project, which seems like it would make a lot more sense than just up and cancelling it at the drop of an (admittedly serious and valid) hat. I bet they will now, if they didn't before.

I don't remember the details exactly, but did the submission to Kickstarter *not* contain the deeply problematic bits? I can't check it right now but I think the really wretched stuff was not part of the submission…

My super-duper-cutesy and fantastically polite US friend always poses like that in pictures thinking it means "peace" and when I told her that to me it means "fuck off" she was half-mortified/half-delighted and now always poses with her hands the other way. It makes me gleeful!

Oh, I forgot about the not-getting-drunk-with-colleagues thing! (I realise that doesn't go for every workplace, but my years of working in London and LA ostensibly similar jobs for ostensibly similar companies made it seem common.)
The differences are fascinating, aren't they? I had LA friends come to London with me