La Patrona

I do agree that internships (like so many things) are definitely easier if you're rich, but I did my unpaid internships between working paid jobs (evenings/weekends/days-off) while on holiday from university. I grew up absolutely working class, and definitely had to work the whole time I was in uni, so I combined paid

I hire interns at a publishing company, but the internships are unpaid and only last two weeks (because it seems mental to ask people to intern for free for ages). I get tons of applications and many of them are totally unprofessional (no capital letters, etc) but I sort of think that's the point of an unpaid

I agree 99% with that… but the other 1% of me realises that I benefited massively from an unpaid internship. (There was another unpaid internship where it was immediately clear that I was unlikely to benefit at all, so I politely quit after three days.)

You just made me realise that so much of what I've done was totally inspired by someone not wanting to sleep with me, and that most of that stuff ended up being far more interesting/productive/fun/educational/profitable than I suspect the sex would've been.

The first time (I think) that I ever had outside sex, I looked up and there was a coyote standing right there. I miss LA, and my youth.

Ha! Yes! When I lived behind the strip club I used to tell myself if was a good thing I didn't work there because if I worked there I would be constantly tempted by their delicious quesadillas but would no longer be able to enjoy their cheesy goodness for fear of ruining my toned stomach.

I think it just freaks me out that my whole education was free until I went to uni!

On further consideration, I think I enjoy the fact that he always seems cheerful in his videos but somehow manages to be cheerful without me finding it annoying.

Apparently there are lots of us secret Pitbull fans. Just the other day I found myself passionately defending him to my dad. I think my argument was that he was dressed very neatly even though he was on a party boat.

Yes! I am always so inexplicably "DALE!" myself whenever his songs are on, even though generally I never feel very "DALE!"

…and when I say "sounds" I mean "songs". Unless "sounds" makes me sound sort of cool or something.

Sorry, I was being really whiny! I get frustrated because I go to work every day and am broke… and assume that the cam girls in the office next door are making way more money. (They totally might not be.) I'm so insanely stressed out about money at the moment it's making me irrational… when I lived behind a strip club

I find myself weirdly mesmerised by his smart clothes. He's always so business or business/casual. I've never met anyone like that.

I actually work next door to a webcam girl studio, and I would totally do cam shows if I were prettier.

I'm out of my house 7am to 8pm, as is my husband… so if we had a kid I have no idea what we'd do. There's no way we could afford that if we moved back to California, but we're living in London now and a lot of stuff costs *more* here… I do want a kid one day but I probably need to win the lottery first.

$1400 a month?! That's more than my rent cost, and I could barely afford that… I can never move back to California. Meh.

ODWE and Chambers, anyone? (I was previously AP and MW, but I swapped countries.)

So much upwardsness!

But OH MY GOD THE PREMIERE HAIR! This hair is just slightly upwards… the premiere hair defies gravity. I'm awestruck.

I happen to have an American handy, so I asked him if the name Folkstone sounds in any way interesting or exotic or mystical or Harry Potterish, and he said to him it just sounds like a small town. Maybe he just lacks imagination.