La Patrona

I really thought it was just me not getting it. Thank you.

I get that badger = Hufflepuff, but I still don't get why a school that has badgers = Hufflepuff…

I'm mesmerised by the upward sweeps of their hair.

Why is it "fake Hufflepuff House"? I know Hufflepuff = badgers, but I don't get why a school having badgers = Hufflepuff. I feel thick.

I say everything was "the other day". I annoy myself with it.

YES. Clip-on earrings hurt so, so much more than getting my ears pierced a bunch of times.

Yep, when I was growing up (in England) I was always told that children having their ears pierced was "common"… except for one little girl I knew who had pierced ears and it was "ok, because she's from Spain". I spent a lot of my confused childhood assuming people were Spaniards just because they had earrings.

I'm definitely going to do my legs and underarms at some point, just because I'm lazy and hate shaving.

The sessions were really quick (like, less than ten minutes for a full Brazilian) and I went six times, with a six-week-ish gap between each one. No bumps at all – you have to shave it all off that day/the day before, and then they laser the shaved areas. The hairs grow back seemingly as normal, but really it's just

I had my top lip done as well and it's not totally gone, just less – but, of course the hair there was far less thick, so far less visible (which I think was why it's far harder to laser).

Right?! Being high contrast is great for once!

You can feel it, but it's sort of like a tiny and very quick… pinch, or something. It's hard to describe. It's not a nice feeling, but it doesn't really hurt. It doesn't bother me at all. I'm really glad I got it done, because I HATED shaving and waxing is so expensive, plus the times when I had an impromptu beach

I got a Groupon! I have a few friends who did the same. It cost about £100 for six sessions and it was fantastically effective for me (it doesn't work so well for some people, but I've got super dark hair and super pale skin and apparently that's optimal).


I remove leg and underarm and pubic hair because I don't like it… it wasn't anything to do with porn for me, and my husband had no preference at all (he actually doesn't care if I shave my legs or underarms at all, and I'm sure wouldn't mind a bit if I had more pubic hair but I had it lasered to save time and money

Yep. Mine's all lazered off forever! (Or, until it grows back, as I'm told sometimes happens.) If anyone else doesn't like that, there's nothing I can do about it.

Bassist boyfriend #1: ecstasy-dealing meth-and-porn addict who convinced me I was crazy for four years.

I'm English and my American friends make me try to do their accents all the time. I'm rubbish; they love it.

Subtitles are great for language learning, too. I love them.

I know a toddler who went through a phase of calling me "mummy". I am definitely not anyone's mother and I can't stand the word "mummy" but it was quite funny. She didn't act as though I was her mother, but she just always called me "mummy" instead of my name, I think because I looked roughly similar to her mum.