La Patrona

We definitely do the possessive thing to business names all the time in England — like calling the shop "Tesco's" when it's actually "Tesco". I've always thought it's because so many businesses *were* just given the owners' name originally, and still are, like "WH Smith's" or "Woolworth's", even though now some of

I don't understand how that works… too many/not enough syllables, surely?

I just tried to say "broccoli" and make it sound like "Bracli" (what to do with the extra syllable?) and because I'm an idiot I'm doing this in a room with my dad and I can't explain why I'm making these weird noises. I officially do not think before I speak.

Well, she knew it was a low-budget horror film… but she didn't know that there would also be a) totally nsfw boob revelation, b) some sort of tickling fetish scene, c) Ron Jeremy (she said he was very gentlemanly and nice) and d) a shot in which the focus was on her knickers as she innocently climbed over a wall in a

I really like Ruth Crilly. Everything I've ever tried that was recommended by her has been good (Elemis body brush!)

I'd never noticed chest wrinkles on anyone until my friend was accidentally in a sort-of-porn film and one of the actresses looked as though she'd spent the past 50-odd years on a sunbed and the resulting crevasses across her decolletage really alarmed me and I've been living in fear (slight exaggeration) of them ever

"You are awake and everything is fine"? Everything is much better than fine.

This is hilarious. People are so serious on the internet.

Yep, "fitter" is definitely a real word: fit, fitter, fittest. (Plus, as a noun, "a fitter" is someone who fits things together, like in a factory or a garage. I've now got the annoying slogan from a chain of garages' TV advert stuck in my head, "You can't get better than a KwikFit fitter".)

I was shocked when I found that out, but then I thought about how healthcare works and I realised I shouldn't have been surprised. It's disappointing to me, though, because I love California and wish there weren't these major things putting me of moving there.

I don't have any ties to Spain but I'd really like to live there, and I've thought the same thing as you – it looks like a good place to be a parent. I think I'd rather move there than move to the US.

Is maternity leave part of it? I only just learned how much maternity leave sucks in the US (which made me fancy moving there far less).

Eeeeurgh, yes.

You are wondrous and amazing.

The whole concept of having a miniature human growing inside a normal-sized human really freaks me out, even though I know it's really normal… I bet if I do it I'll be simultaneously horrifically grossed out and excited about the cool-science-experiment-y aspect of it.

Absolutely. When I've called 911 I've definitely appreciated the person on the other end being calm during a frantic situation… but I've also once been really pissed off because the person talked to me like I was a complete idiot who was wasting her time. There's such a difference.

She has such good taste.

I love Jessica so, so much.

I had to, too. I just thought "fly" meant "cool" or "stylish" so I didn't really get the problem.