Lao Euler

Sometimes you can have both. I have commented a few times, as an older person’s counterpoint to this story. I am an old-fart bride from 1983, when things were a little less complicated. I had a kick-ass honeymoon AND a nice wedding. By planning everything myself, I was able to put together a lovely wedding for $5,000.

To be fair, “Oprah” is wrong. It’s Orpah.

Are we really going to start getting in her ass NOW about her fucking atrocious “singing”?

Black Eyed Peas and everything associated with them have only been a blight on the pop music landscape for about 15 or so years now

I am fairly certain she is fairly virtuous except for all the lies coming out of her mouth on a regular basis that have taken her soul out of her body on their way out as well.

Holy shit, you weren’t kidding. I scrolled back up to see, and I wish I hadn’t.


Exactly. All this goes to show that we need to stop electing well to do White men who have never wanted for a day in their life. The people that represent us should reflect us. I wouldn’t and don’t expect some Ivy League educated trust fund baby to understand or care about the plight of a mother and her kids that are

A lifestyle like...being able to wash your hair? Buy pads and tampons? Replace your holey socks? What kind of lifestyle is it that people like you are so worried that poor people might have for a couple hundred a month? The ability to eat a few cookies and drink a soda now and then?

The vast majority of welfare fraud is done by corporations. Some random person trying to get $50 in cash is a drop in the bucket.

So, here’s the thing about that: The SNAP money is still spent at a local grocery store employing local people buying food at regular prices. The net effect of somebody “gaming” the system for cash they can spend on drugs is $0.00. They’re just shorting themselves.

Didn’t you know? Pleasure is only allowed if you are rich enough to buy it.

I suggest that if food stamp recipients are to be questioned about what they do with their taxpayer funded benefits, then defense contractors should be too.

I never got why or how this food stamp abuse came about in the first place. These people think because you are getting benefits that largely are paid for by taxpayer funds, that that automatically means that you shouldn’t have a choice. People should be able to pick and eat what they want to eat regardless. If I wanna

I’m as white as they come, and I can confirm: white people are EXTREMELY fragile cowards for the most part. Toughen up, you big whiny baby.

As a whiteperson, your whiny rant proves the very point that Wypipo are fragile. Jesus, what an embarrassment.

You said I’m a racist, presumably because you thought I was not white and agreed with The Root’s take on some wypipo, such as yourself, being fragile.

I’m responding to you because I don’t want to talk to whyareyousoracist. As a response to his ridiculous line of thought, though:

I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.

Chevy Chase once gave an awkward, uncomfortable performance in an airplane bathroom with Eartha Kitt.