Maybe because they wanted to keep their jobs?
Maybe because they wanted to keep their jobs?
This isn’t a courtroom.
Uh, maybe let’s hold off on criticizing people until they are out of 5th grade? I’m sure your friends have gotten a lot of mileage out of the “I knew Neil Patrick Harris when he was 8" story but I don’t know that it really fits here.
I think we should all evaluate others based on their interactions in elementary school. It is the only real assessment of someone’s character.
I’m someone who lived in LA for 5 years without a car, and had to rely on public transit. I know what the fuck I’m talking about. IT SUCKED. This was in the pre-Uber era, and I would have given anything to be able to visit my boyfriend across town in an Uber, rather than a 2.5 hour odyssey on two trains and two shitty…
“Anyone who’s worked service knows there’s a such thing as a locked door.”
I mean, the story says they were told multiple times the place was closed and need to leave, also that they entered a half hour after closing even. The whole situation could have been handled better and the off-duty cop didn’t need to put his hands on anyone. Although, the ladies should have listened to management…
The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.
::steps up:: Interracial relationships, to include marriage, never EVER ever means you get a pass on anything. My husband’s white but you won’t see him trying to act with any authority on black issues. Be better to your spouse ::fades back::
I have a problem calling out my own. should never be this easy to get someone to show you their ass. Especially when no money is changing hands.
Yes, punish the bigots by giving them money. That’s a brilliant strategy.
Im a millennial, and I do not care about Chick-fil-A. Not because they make a shitty sandwich, but because of their shitty corporate attitudes on homosexuality.
The eldest millennials turn 35 this year.
I used to love Chick-Fil-A... back when it was the only non-hamburger / fried chicken based option in the area. At that time, I only really liked chicken sandwiches, and found chicken with bones in it to be too hard to eat on the way to class or in the car.
Chick-fil-a can go suck a rosary. Any fast food place that discriminates against the LGBTQ community doesn’t deserve millennial money.
2 things about Chick-fil-a... I moved to the (deep) south about 5 years ago. People around here go crazy over Chick-fil-a. I figure, I should try this place out. Ugh. Heartburn city! Full of grease and oil. Every bite tastes of self-loathing and regret.
Yeah fuck Chick-fil-a. Piece of shit company. It makes me sad that people love them so much. It makes me sadder when people who support LGBTQ eat at Chick-fil-a. Most people just put their ethics on hold for food.
I’d go hungry before eating Chick-Fil-A, even if someone else bought it. Fuck them.