Lao Euler

Yup. And the way the South handles it is different than say Minnesotan Nice. They’re similar, but different.

I will be bitter FOREVER for what this did to Janet. I see kids coming up today who really don’t understand her impact because it didn’t just stall her career, it denied her her legacy. And for this white boy with a wannabe fro, who spent the first half of his career successfully apeing MJ and JJ’s moves and sounds to

This is as Southern as statement as they come. The South is all about manners, civility, and keeping your venom hidden beneath a pile of sugar. Until no one is looking.


Credit where it’s due; Trump has made racists feel like they can speak their mind without facing consequences.

Marketing major (future pharma rep).

Here folks is a good example of good ole white privilege and the mindset of a shrouded racist.

Ignoring her gross racism for just one second: does anyone under 50 truly not understand that saying or doing dumbshit via social media or any sort of recording device will always always always always always always ALWAYS end up fucking you over?

This! Like, who the fuck is pissing their pants their whole life to move 1000 miles away to go to Alabama? I guess dumb racist white bitches who think they’re going back to the plantation?

Kind of a blessing in disguise for racists to film their true feelings for all the world to see. Lord knows nobody was believing the black people when they reported all the racism they witnessed.

I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day.

Out of state residents are charged a total cost of $45,316 which is 57.2% higher than Alabama residents. The tuition charge is $26,950 while room and board is $13,050, books and supplies are $1,200 and other fees come in at $0.

Alternate possibility: she has dumb, rich parents who are paying out-of-state rates to send her to what is not an especially prestigious university, and isn’t even all that close to either a beach or a ski slope.

How much money is she borrowing to be Educated but basically the same stupid at the end of the day?

I had some sympathy for the guy until he said she needed to get rid of her two dogs and get therapy for her “dog addiction.” Even if he agrees to get therapy, she should seriously dump this guy. Asking someone to get rid of a pet for your casual comfort is a huge red flag for me and speaks to their huge lack of

To me, the dog issue is neither here nor there; your response to it, on the other hand, is hugely telling.

I hate it when people do this. “I had a bad experience with a dog when I was five, so I can never be around them again.” “My dad forced me to go in the pool before I was ready, so water is a no go for the rest of my life.” “A masked gorilla scared me at Halloween as a toddler, so to this day I keep trick-or-treaters

Yeah, seriously. “She won’t get rid of her two dogs she loves, she has a dog addiction.” Buddy.

Timbaland and that pack of raw hotdogs on the back of his neck can go to Hell too.

He’s out, this is senseless and an appeal to white famousness for the reasons mentioned. All colabo and cross-racial production privileges are now revoked, and any brown person who cuts a beat for him in the future should be suspended.