Lao Euler

“Its kind of like the rumor people have that Catholics aren’t suppose to have sex unless it is to have children.”

“antisemitism amuses me!”

That is a total canard. As an Orthodox Jewish male, I can assure you that we have sex in much the same manner as any other married couples do.

Uh...where in any of that did you get that I was jealous? I objected to him trying to make sexist comment that had NO PLACE here because that picture is not part of this event or in this article.

“Don’t be so quick to define your passion”

What does this have to do with the article I wrote? This picture is not in this post, nor is it related to this event in any way. Move along.

Shit you’re right, it is her mum’s book. Missed that bit.

So, would we say that she’s the one who likes all Nirvana’s pretty songs and she likes to sing along, and she likes to shoot her gun, but she don’t know what it means?

Since.. forever? The original brands of punks in the 70s and 80s were the most elitist and divisive subcultures that have ever existed and made no bones about calling out “posers.”

Punk fans are some of the most pretentious music fans you’ll ever run across, and spend an awful lot of time arguing over what is and isn’t “punk.” It’s obnoxious.

Give me a f**cking break.

ivanka trump is a 35 year old adult. we can make fun of her bullshit attempts to appear relatable as much as we want

Seriously. Get the fuck out with this concern trolling on Ivanka’s behalf.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

I await Erik regaling us with tales of his gangsta phase because he once scored coke from a guy he thinks was Tupac.

As the owner of over ten thousand books that I’ve had to haul around for decades, I adore my Kindle.

I assume Trump will just use his future mug shot?

Honestly, I feel like I saw him in a couple of episodes of Doctor Who (Matt Smith) then he was in a Disney movie then he had his own late night show.

A termination would give her a good amount of time to learn something.