Lannister Handjob

LOL! It would be hilar to film a little Star Trek spoof on the beach dunes though, right? They look otherworldly.

You’re welcome 😉


Thanks for the Star! 💫 hope you snickered.

Which is too bad... Bring back Jude! I’d like to see both J. Laws together on film.

I dunno... up where I am most white people are hoping the (white) heroin users just die. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Honestly? #same

I didn’t know this was a job.

I like Castle on the Hill but mostly because I sing alternate lyrics that make it about my town, and all the shit about the down and out peers really, really fits. #workingclassfeels

Right? Viola Davis enjoying a fiesta with Elmo is treasure. Her smile is a party! Whether a celeb can make it with the muppets is also a bar for me. Hell, even Hootie and the Blowfish with Hold My Hand (when you cross the street) made it happen. C’mon, Ed.

Treat yo self to some fancy leggings?

Just stay out of the red ones. 😂


Push this comment up!

Minus the headscarf theses are a good take on sci-if fashion! Very futurism.

Goddamn. Crying for this. It is a beautiful statement in him standing as one with his family behind his warrior daughter without resorting to some caveman shit. Referencing the other victims is important, too.

“Sleep” with her until one of his slow, slimey little flat-faced sperm did it’s job, you mean.

He doesn’t believe in IVF so he wanted to do it “the old fashioned way” which is.... not the standard operating procedure for surrogates.

He doesn’t “believe” in IVF so how does babby formed?

Ya. Us not showing up to the theatre is the key. #BanWoody