
I saw that show once on TV - WHY it’s a TV show is beyond me. People watching those arrogant slimy assholes talk shit about other people for a living. Especially that head guy. He reminds me of Lindsay Lohan’s slimy dad. 

I had a relative who worked at a hospital in LA and he said the staff was regularly approached by paparazzi seeking to make these kind of arrangements. 

The fact that an emergency responder disclosed that she received Narcan - to TMZ, yet - seems a gross violation of her HIPAA rights. We simply should not know, and do not have the right to know about this. Shame.

Same, this was a trash tv fav but the Palins are a no go.... Time to cut it out 

Teen Mom is my guilty pleasure show that I am way too old to watch but if Bristol is on it, I'm done. There are depths to which even I won't sink.

Under Ohio law, strippers are not allowed to touch patrons—unless it’s a family member.

We are going to meet at the library. There is a zero chance Trumpistani will discover us.

god, those tweets, they are physically painful. are we really supposed to spend tomorrow celebrating the stupid fucking country that can elect that piece of garbage president?

Michelle Obama would never have worn that.  Michelle Obama has brains and class.  fuck this bitch.

None of that shit is going to happen, except the not breastfeeding part.

You know, saying I’m petty for being irritated by his Twitter presence this week (and in general) is fair enough. But brushing off the Amy Winehouse corpse as “Dead celebrities are a thing at Halloween” is a little weird to me?

My parents knew each other for two weeks before they got married. They were married for 66 years.

Middle aged is always 10 years older than you are right now. No matter what age you are right now.


(She’s famous, beautiful and rich. Pretty sure she’s doing OK.)

Even though SATC is hailed for being groundbreaking, I still view it as a pretty conservative show when it comes to being single. None of the women seem to be genuinely happy while they are single, except for Samantha, and even she had a few breakdowns whenever she was alone and had nobody to unzip a dress, undo a

A whole bunch of women came forward separately to tell basically the same story. If you really believe that’s a conspiracy you’re just a moron.

Yeah maybe the fucking picture of it happening isn’t real lmao 

Oh fuck off, Dana.

So the whole “missed warning signs” thing makes no sense when you’re *also* blaming the victims for avoiding the kid waving more red flags than a Chinese military parade. Remember, the classmates are supposed to ignore their natural instincts and make nice with the creepy kid or else they’re “bullies” who brought

::looks at nav, sees ‘jezebel’::