Ah, Australia - where folks of all backgrounds are invited to participate in the mutton industry by tearing lambs’ testicles off with their teeth.
Ah, Australia - where folks of all backgrounds are invited to participate in the mutton industry by tearing lambs’ testicles off with their teeth.
Of course, he has a brother and sister who didn’t rape anyone and who now can’t visit their folks without harassment, but who cares about them, right?
Just got my PhD!
“Christina Ricci synrome.”
Good. You gambled, and you lost. Paying up is part of gambling, which is why it’s called “gambling,” not “erratically working money maker.”
I . . . really hope that lawyer is being snarky. If so, I fully support her efforts, because she has one hell of a client.
I can’t find the reference, but I remember seeing her on a talk show where she sang a bit of something, while scraping her vinyl nails together as an accompaniment.
But for many of those women, Planned Parenthood and similar centers are the only obstetric care (via Medicaid) they can access, and anti-abortionists are illegally attempting to prevent any Medicaid money from ever being used at them again, regardless of the availability of services from other local providers.
That show made me no longer able to laugh at Gary Busey. :(
I’ve been a composition and literature university instructor for about the last decade, much of it while as a graduate student. None of the profs I taught for had any interest in trigger warnings whatsoever, and the only time I ever used one was when I realized I’d forgotten juuuuuuust how much rape was in The Bluest…
“The optimist believes this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist agrees.”
Anyone entering an abortion clinic and being approached by an activist should assume that their life is in immediate danger and take all and any steps to protect themselves, including with armed force.
I always feel a little guilty over stories like this, because I’m an impulsive toucher - when I get excited about an idea, I have been known to excitedly tap colleagues or students on the arm, or shoulder. The only time I’ve had someone complain was when I jabbed my pencil eraser towards their laptop screen. I’m sure…
Okay, see, I don’t really get this.
I remember reading a short story once - I think by Robert Bloch, but I can’t track it down - in which a mother gets revenge on her ex-husband by raising her child to be afraid of everyone but her, and then kills herself, so that when the father tries to comfort his child, all the kid can do is scream in terror.
I have a woman in my PhD program who was a pageant queen in the south and still judges gymnastics; we had a party this past Friday during which we all got progressively drunk and begged her for gymnastics stories.
Hey, as long as we’re banning women from the sport who we’re pretty sure have a genetic advantage but have no proof, it’s chill to ban all the black women, right? I think I heard something on the news about them having extra twitchy muscles in their legs.
Yeah, I was going to suggest that Stein is to anti-vaxxers as Trump is to evangelicals: willing to court the science-proof idealogues while knowing full well how destructive and backwards their ideas are.
“Germans spot moment of joy, immediately crush it.”