So . . . which one is going to die, now?
So . . . which one is going to die, now?
My state has a thing where you can look up your ballot online before you go in, and I usually make sure I look up all the races and initiatives and so forth and then run to the polling place before I forget.
You know, I only just realized that I’ve never seen Matilda. I sort of assumed I had, but I was thinking of The Witches.
Is encouraging underage heavy consumption of vodka rad? I can never tell with the kids these days, any more.
My impression is that there are basically two kinds of actors who do terrible Christian movies:
I know a bunch of Yiddish; I just don’t really know much Hebrew. And I’m emphatically not Jewish in either a cultural or religious sense; my theological education has been heavily Christian, which also tends to include the Torah, though not the Talmud, so I’m lost there.
Out of curiosity, do you consider yourself to be a moral person?
See, I’d like to have an orgasm. So Justin Bieber v. my experienced right hand?
I’m sort of fascinated by Dawson. She has one of those “old Hollywood” discovery stories - she was just sitting around her neighborhood when she was pulled to be in the weird spectacle that was Harmony Korine’s Kids. I always feel like she doesn’t quite know what she wants to do with success - and I am always curious…
I once inserted a menstrual cup after chopping jalapenos and doing a sub-par job of washing my hands.
As a card-carrying member of the Satanic Temple, I would like to mildly and politely remind you that the Satanic Temple is not the same thing as the Church of Satan. The former are the people who do things like organize Satanic literature handouts in public schools; the latter are . . . well. They’re not. If someone…
Where I went to undergrad - at a very small religious college - we didn’t play “beer pong,” we played “Beirut.” (Because you were “bombing” the other side. It was a joke in terrible taste that I didn’t really understand until after I had graduated.)
Are you kidding? They’re just jizzing their pants because they’ve finally figured out a way to incarcerate minority women at the same rate that the War on Drugs let them lock up non-white men.
My last trip to the Rocky Horror Picture Show assures me that you are 100% incorrect.
Oh god, I once taught a short summer course with a Muslim student whose first name was Islam.
I totally identify with Kasich on this one.
I have something in the neighborhood of 1300 books. (Moving is a bitch.) I’m trying not to add too many more, and every so often I go through ritualistic book purges in which I comb my shelves, decide what I’m probably never going to look at again, and put together some boxes that I take to Half-Price Books for cash…
Really? I like him fine. Maybe I’m just 90s nostalgic, but he seems pitch-perfect for me as a disaffected 90s teen.