
I once commented to a friend that she and her boyfriend looked surprisingly alike (same glasses, same basic haircut/color). She said, “Yeah, sometimes we tell people we’re siblings and just start making out.”

I’m sorry, but I get rankled every time Sanders is described as just another white guy.

My current town has a pretty successful rental place that’s kept alive by a student population and a bunch of hipsters. I haven’t been there recently because I returned Woman in Black late and I owe them money, but last time I was there, they still had some actual VHS tapes for movies they didn’t have on DVD/Blu-Ray.

If it makes you feel better, one of the employees at the Family Video in my college town had a pierced thumb(!), told me he ended up in the city because he woke up in the dumpster behind Wal-Mart and just decided to stay, and aggressively hit on me.

I have that weird, crazy thing on VHS, taped off of public television and over a pirated copy of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Find me a single anti-vaxx mother who fully supports telling other parents that her children are unvaccinated, has a system for doing so, and encourages the parents of other unvaccinated parents to do so.

This sounds a lot like Kate Bornstein’s very funny story about how she went to a speech therapist to learn how to “talk like a woman” when she was transitioning. She ultimately found the whole experience totally demeaning, and went home in tears. Her roommate asked her what the problem was, and Bornstein told her all

I’m permanently flexible; my ligaments are all fucked up. Babies are born with flexible ligaments and they’re supposed to firm up when you’re a toddler.

I agree with the screening. Anti-vaxxers are people who thrive on any perceived slight against their practices.

You don’t understand just how fucking stupid this bill is.

I respect her decision. It is her choice to determine whether her life or her suffering is unbearable.

When I was a public library employee, my favorite ever damaged book was a water-bloated copy of “Recovering after Floods.”

But I’m not into BDSM, so it is WAY too painful to use as toilet paper.

You know, as long as he’s pro-choice - which he just said he is, in that he says women can have the right to decide - I don’t give a fuck whether he thinks abortion is sinful or icky or whatever.


I will say that my experiences with opiods in the hospital have left me with vivid, upsetting, and false memories. (I “remember” being verbally abused by someone who was a thousand miles away, for example.)

Well, I am queer, but that doesn’t mean we have to agree with each other.

Hey, you feel how you want to. I, personally, would find it deeply satisfying to have everyone simply say they oppose same-sex marriage because they hate faggots, rather than simpering that they just support “traditional marriage.” Don’t let them control the language they choose; pick it for them. Make it a

The government is mostly run by straight men. Most straight men think gay sex is gross. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just their sexual wiring.

Entirely off topic, one employee in my local post office always puts up her own little sign saying, “Hearing impaired employee - reads lips.”